Let f (x) = 1-x under the root sign, then G (x) = the domain of definition of F (2 / x) + F (2 / x)

Let f (x) = 1-x under the root sign, then G (x) = the domain of definition of F (2 / x) + F (2 / x)

If G (x) = root sign (1-x / 2) + root sign (1-2 / x), then 1-x / 2 > = 0 and 1-2 / x > = 0, the solution is X

Let f (x) be an odd function=
Let f (x) = AX2 + 1 / BX + C (a, B, C ∈ z) satisfy f (1) = 2, f (2)

F (x) = x | x + a | + B is an odd function if and only if?

If and only if the image of function f (x) is centrosymmetric with respect to point ((a + b) / 2, C / 2)

I have a lot of space

Exercises of cosine theorem
In the triangle ABC, ab = 4, AC = 7, ad = 7 / 2, find BC =?

Let CoSb in BC = a triangle ABC = (AB ^ 2 + A ^ 2-ac ^ 2) / 2A * AB = (a ^ 2-33) / 8A triangle abd = (AB ^ 2 + BD ^ 2-ad ^ 2) / (2 * AB * BD) BD = BC / 2 = A / 2 CoSb = (15 / 4 + A ^ 2 / 4) / 4A (a ^ 2-33) / 8A = (15 / 4 + A ^ 2 / 4) / 4A (a ^ 2-33) / 2 = 15 / 4 + A ^ 2 / 4 2A ^ 2-66 = 15 + A ^ 2

What are the usages of the verb ing form

It is composed of the original form of verb and - ing. It is also a kind of non - finite verb like infinitive
1、 Gerund
1. Form: gerund has four forms: active general, passive general, active completion and passive completion
Smoking is harmful to health
Collecting shells is one of his hobbies
(2) We enjoy swimming very much
They want to organize a stamp collecting club
2、 Present participle
1. Form: the present participle of transitive verbs has four forms, that is, the general form and the perfect form of the active voice, and the general form and the perfect form of the passive voice. Intransitive verbs have only the first two forms, and they have no passive voice
The pot is full of boiling water
When the present participle is used as an attribute, it means the action of the person or thing modified, while when the gerund is used as an attribute, it means that the thing has some use
(2) As an object complement
We found the story very interesting
I heard someone breaking the windows
(3) The news is very exciting
The story is very moving
(4) They went home smiling and singing

Urgent "Introduction to the basic principles of Marxism" related papers 2000 to 3000 words!

After a period of study of the course "Introduction to the basic principles of Marxism", I slowly understand that Marxism is a science about the proletariat and human liberation, and it should not only be based on our perceptual understanding. Through systematic study, we must raise it to the basic angle of rational understanding
True philosophy is the essence of the spirit of the times. Marx and Engels, based on the requirements of the times and the practice, established the dialectical materialism and historical materialism on the basis of criticizing and transforming the outstanding achievements of past philosophy, thus laying the foundation for the whole theory of Marx doctrine and providing us with scientific world outlook and methodology.
First, Marx and Engels' revolutionary practice and the inheritance and innovation of the achievements of human civilization
The development of capitalist economy and society and its contradictory movement have provided objective conditions for the emergence of Marxism. The struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie has put forward realistic demands for the emergence of Marxism. These are the era and practical basis for the emergence of Marxism. Marx and Engels critically inherited the achievements of predecessors and discovered historical materialism and surplus value theory, Marxist philosophy provides a new world outlook and methodological principles for understanding the problems of history and the times. Marxist political economy deeply analyzes the inherent contradictions, operation mechanism and development law of capitalist mode of production, It reveals the secret of capitalist exploitation and the historical fate of its inevitable replacement by socialism. These are scientific theories!
Second, Marxism is the truth guiding principle for human beings to understand and transform the world
Human cognition comes from practice, serves for practice, develops with practice, and is tested by practice. Cognition depends on practice, and it is impossible to leave practice. Dialectical materialism epistemology holds that cognition is the active reflection of subject to object. Knowing the world and transforming the world are two basic activities of human history creation, In the final analysis, it is necessary to combine the understanding of the world with the transformation of the world. The understanding of the world and the transformation of the world depend on and restrict each other, and are dialectically unified. The theory of the essence and development law of human cognition revealed by Marxist epistemology points out the realistic road for human beings to correctly understand and transform the world, For the working class and its political party laid the theoretical foundation of ideological line
Third, Marxism improves our ability to understand human society and survive in society
The relationship between social existence and social consciousness is the basic problem of social historical view. A correct understanding of this problem is the basis and premise for solving other social historical view problems. Marx found the objective law of human social development, scientifically solved the relationship between social existence and social consciousness, and established historical materialism, The laws of the contradictory movement between productive forces and production relations and the laws of the contradictory movement between economic base and superstructure revealed by Marx and Engels are the general laws of the development of human society. These laws determine the change of social forms and the basic trend of historical development, The masses are the decisive force of historical development, which provides theoretical guidance for people to understand human society
Fourth, Marxism provides us with valuable information to analyze the two major social types in the world today
Marx used historical materialism to analyze capitalist society. He not only discovered the secret of surplus value, revealed the historical inevitability of capitalist society being replaced by socialist society, but also revealed the general law of commodity economy development and socialization. All these are of great significance to our understanding of capitalism, Scientific socialism is an important part of Marxism. The development of socialism in the 20th century has both brilliant achievements and serious setbacks. It has not only accumulated rich historical experience, but also left a profound historical lesson. Learning the basic principles of scientific socialism and taking it as a guide to summarize the historical process of socialism is very important for grasping the law of social development, It is of great significance to strengthen the belief in socialism. Capitalism and socialism are the two major social types in today's world. Marxism provides conditions for people to study them
Fifth, Marxism has planned the ideal direction for human beings to enter the civilized society
On the issue of looking forward to the future society, whether to adhere to the scientific position, viewpoint and method is the basic premise of correctly foreseeing the future, and it is also the fundamental difference between Marxism and utopian socialism. Standing on the scientific position, Marxist classical writers put forward and consciously used the scientific method of foreseeing the future society. The Communist society is undoubtedly very beautiful, However, according to Marx's consistent position, viewpoint and method of foreseeing the future, the Communist society itself will not be a society without any contradictions, and will not be a static state that does not need or can not be further improved and developed. We firmly believe that the Communist society will be a society that continues to develop and advance on a higher basis, Communist society is not the end of human history, but the beginning of human free and conscious history
I think it is precisely because Marxism has the knowledge of truth that the above five other philosophies do not or do not fully contain that we pay more and more attention to this science. College students are the future of our motherland, the successors and builders of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and shoulder the historical mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, We should learn and master Marxism in the combination of theory and practice, guide practice with theory, and try our best to understand the true meaning of Marxism
Theory is not just theory. As college students in the 21st century, we should be more aware of this and apply Marxism to unlimited social practice, This is my deepest experience in studying "an introduction to the basic principles of Marxism". The supplementary of the respondent: learning experience of 2009-06-23 13:42 "an introduction to the basic principles of Marxism". This semester, we studied "an introduction to the basic principles of Marxism". Through learning, I not only mastered the basic knowledge of philosophy, but also learned a lot about Marxism, I also found the right direction to construct my own correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. I began to use the dual perspective of philosophy to analyze and solve problems in life, find out commonness and individuality, and deal with commonness and individuality, so as to make my eyes comprehensive and promote myself to grow up faster and better, In the 30 years since the founding of a new historical period of reform and opening up, the Communist Party of China, which has a history of nearly one hundred years of struggle, has formed such a system of socialism based on socialism, facing the world, the future and modernization, so that socialism can be full of vitality and thus continuously strengthen its comprehensive national strength, It is the great fortune of the party, the country, the people and the Chinese nation. This once again strongly shows that the Communist Party of China can still represent the great future of our country and nation with its own struggle at the new historical juncture, And can gather more and more people to work together to represent this great future
The great achievements of Marxism in China show that it has the character of keeping pace with the times. Marxism keeping pace with the times includes two levels of meaning. First, we should adhere to the basic principles of Marxism and adhere to the stance, viewpoint and method of Marxism. Comrade Deng Xiaoping has said many times that we should not lose our ancestors. If we lose them, it is not Marxism keeping pace with the times, Second, we should emancipate our minds, analyze new situations and new problems and draw new conclusions with Marxist stand, viewpoint and method. Otherwise, Marxism will become a rigid dogma and an empty phrase that does not solve any practical problems. Keeping pace with the times of Marxism means that both sides are unswerving, In the view of the Chinese Communists, only by combining Marxism with China's reality and the characteristics of the times can we succeed and win; only by endowing the basic principles of scientific socialism with Chinese characteristics and the characteristics of the times can we succeed and win; talking about Marxism without China's reality and the characteristics of the times has no future, In the 21st century, faced with the profound changes in the domestic and foreign situation, we are facing a series of challenges, In order to successfully accomplish the three historical tasks of continuing to promote modernization, accomplishing the great cause of reunification of the motherland, safeguarding world peace and promoting common development