If a natural number is divided by 2 and 1 by 3, the minimum number is 1______ .

If a natural number is divided by 2 and 1 by 3, the minimum number is 1______ .

Because 2 and 3 are coprime numbers, the least common multiple of 2 and 3 is 2 × 3 = 6, and the minimum number is 6 + 1 = 7

How many natural numbers between 100 and 200 satisfy this condition?

29 59 89 119 149 179

Given the function FX = the third power of X + the square of 2x + X
If the square of any x ∈ (0, positive infinity) FX ≥ ax holds, the value range of real number a can be obtained

If a is divisible by B, then the greatest common factor of a and B is______ .

From the meaning of the question, a △ B = integer (except 0), we can see that a is a multiple of B, so the greatest common factor of a and B is B; so the answer is: B

The square of ellipse X / 25 + the square of Y / 9 = 1, the distance from a point m to the focus f is 2, n is the midpoint of MF, find the length of on

According to the definition of ellipse, the sum of the distances from point m to left focus F and right focus F2 is 10, that is | MF | + | MF2 | = 10, and | MF | = 2, | MF2 | = 8

The product of three prime numbers is 11 times of the sum of the three prime numbers

The product of three prime numbers can be divided by 11. One of the three prime numbers must be 11
Let three prime numbers be 11, a and B
Then 11 * a * b = 11 * (11 + A + b)
So a = 2, B = 13 or a = 3, B = 7
So the answer is: 11,2,13 or 11,3,7

In second grade mathematics, we know the points a (- 1,0) and B (3,0), and the function y = - x + 2 (- 2)

(1) draw the graph of the function, because y = - x + 2, so when x = 0, y = 2, and the slope is k = - 1. That is to say, this is a straight line passing through 2 on Y and forming 135 degrees with the positive direction of X axis. (2) if the area of △ ABP is equal to 4, find the coordinates of point P, because there are two points a (- 1,0) and B (3,0)

As shown in the figure, the image with the inverse scale function y = K / X (x is greater than 0) passes through the intersection m of the diagonal of the rectangular oabc,
If the area of the triangle OCE is equal to that of the triangle oad; 2 if CE; EB = 1; 2, the value of BD; Da; 3 if the area of the quadrilateral odbe is 6, the analytic expression of the inverse proportion function is obtained
Kneel down, kneel down!!

[reference answer]
Supplement: (2) BD: Da = (3N / 2): (n / 2) = 3:1
(3) The analytic expression of inverse proportion function is y = 2 / X

A natural number written as a pental (XYZ) 5 with a horizontal line, written as a HEXAL (ZXY) 6 with a horizontal line, the natural number is

The natural number is 46. According to the pentagram, there is a natural number = x times the square of 5 + y times 5 + Z, and according to the hexagram, there is a natural number = Z times the square of 6 + x times 6 + y
25X + 5Y + Z = 36z + 6x + y. in order, 19x + 4Y = 35z, because x, y, Z can only be represented by the five numbers from 0 to 4 in the fifth system, and X is in the first place, so x should be greater than or equal to 1. Therefore, let x = 1, check y = 0,1,2,3,4 one by one, and find that when y = 4, z = 1. After substituting x, y, Z into one side of the previous equation, we get the natural number

The joint density function of two-dimensional random variable XY is f (x, y) = Ke ^ - (2x + y) x > 0, Y > 0, O, other 1. Calculate coefficient K 2 and probability p (2x + y)

With a double integral,
The inner layer integrates y from 0 to (2x + 1),
Integral of outer layer to x from 0 to 1 / 2
That is to analyze the range of X and Y first
The integral sign can't play