Why do we use "love chain" as the topic in the Chinese text of Volume I of grade 6 of primary school

Why do we use "love chain" as the topic in the Chinese text of Volume I of grade 6 of primary school

Because the author hopes that love can be passed on like a chain

The answer to the second question of the exercises after class of love chain in the sixth grade of Jiangsu Education Press

--------Reflections on the chain of love
Chain of love is a touching English story. The hero of the story is a poor man
On a snowy evening, on the way to find a job, she helped an old woman. The old woman was very grateful to him. When she wanted to pay Joey, she was rejected. Joey said, "if you want to repay me, go and help those who need help!
The old lady went into a shabby cafe and served her with a pregnant woman owner. She had a hard time and was busy helping the old lady with tea and rice. The old lady saw that she needed help, so she thought of Joey's words, left money and an anonymous note, which said, "when I was in trouble, someone helped me, Now let me help you. "To our surprise, the shopkeeper was Joey's wife
We all think it's a coincidence! In fact, it's not. Love is infinite, and love will never stop. In this world, there are many people who need love and help. When it's snowing, how many of those children who are out of school can give them love? When it's windy and rainy, those lonely and helpless women and scholars, How many people give them a love? How many people can give them a love for those college students who are suffering from illness? When disaster comes, how many people give them a love for those who have lost their relatives and property? For them, Love is the cotton padded jacket when the snow is falling; love is the umbrella when the wind is blowing and rain; love is the warmth and care for the people affected by the disaster. Let's help those in need, let the love shine, let the chain of love continue forever
There is a song in the song: "as long as everyone gives a love, the world will..." But many people just sing like that. We all look for all kinds of reasons to just say and not do, and no longer let heroes shed blood and tears. Let's prove it with actions. From now on, from all of us, I believe that with our joint efforts, we will help the elderly, children and disabled people who need help, and make life better. Let's make the baton of love come true, Spread all over the motherland! Spread all over the world! Let Lei Feng spirit carry forward forever!
Today, I read the text chain of love. It tells a story full of love on a cold winter night: the laid-off Joey helped the old woman repair her car free of charge, and the old woman was taken good care of by Joey's wife during the meal. She was also infected by love and left some money behind. The story shows the chain of love between people, Praises the good feelings of mutual love and help between people
When Joey helped the old woman repair her car, she asked how much money she would give him. He never thought that helping others should be rewarded. Besides, he had been helped by others when he was in trouble in the past, and he had been helping people in trouble all the time. The old woman's action was probably the first time he met. How could he not be surprised? This reflects Joey's consistent simplicity and helpfulness, Regardless of pay, he has a kind heart, he uses this kind heart to help people in need
I think of Lei Feng. Lei Feng has done a lot of good things in his life. He never needs to be paid for doing good things for others. You must have heard a saying: "do good things without leaving a name." because as long as you get help from others, you always ask him, "what's your name?" someone will tell you his name, Some people will say, "it's my pleasure to help you. It doesn't matter if your name is heavy."
Like Lei Feng, Joey thinks of others everywhere, even his own hands are bleeding. Joey still continues to help the old woman repair the car. He writes about Joey's good character of helping people and has a kind heart. There are many people like Joey in the world, but you just don't meet them. As long as everyone has a kind heart, You can make many good friends. As long as you treat others with sincerity, others will repay you with sincerity
After reading this text, I learned from Joey: if you have the strength to help others, you should try your best to help others. If you don't have the ability to help others, but you can study hard, grow up, and use your ability to help people in need. In this way, you can also give your love. The people who have received your help will continue to pass on this love, Let more people feel the warmth of this love
In my life and study, I want to learn the spirit of joy. I want to learn the spirit of joy who is willing to help others without paying. In my study, I will take the initiative to help my classmates solve problems. In my life, as long as I see people who need help, whether they are children or old people, I will take the initiative to help them, It is "dedication of love". If everyone gives a little bit of love, there will be more people to feel this love, and there will be more life and happiness in the world. Next, I find a poem around "dedication of love" to describe how much "dedication of love" affects life. Please see the poem "dedication of love" below, I hope that those who see this poem can give a little love to help those in need. Those who are helped by you will help you when you are in trouble! --- after reading the chain of love
Chain of love is a touching English story. The hero of the story is a poor man
On a snowy evening, on the way to find a job, she helped an old woman. The old woman was very grateful to him. When she wanted to pay Joey, she was rejected. Joey said, "if you want to repay me, go and help those who need help!
The old lady went into a shabby cafe and served her with a pregnant woman owner. She had a hard time and was busy helping the old lady with tea and rice. The old lady saw that she needed help, so she thought of Joey's words, left money and an anonymous note, which said, "when I was in trouble, someone helped me, Now let me help you. "To our surprise, the shopkeeper was Joey's wife
We all think it's a coincidence! In fact, it's not. Love is infinite, and love will never stop. In this world, there are many people who need love and help. When it's snowing, how many of those children who are out of school can give them love? When it's windy and rainy, those lonely and helpless women and scholars, How many people give them a love? How many people can give them a love for those college students who are suffering from illness? When disaster comes, how many people give them a love for those who have lost their relatives and property? For them, Love is the cotton padded jacket when the snow is falling; love is the umbrella when the wind is blowing and rain; love is the warmth and care for the people affected by the disaster. Let's help those in need, let the love shine, let the chain of love continue forever
There is a song in the song: "as long as everyone gives a love, the world will..." But many people just sing like that. We all look for all kinds of reasons to just say and not do, and no longer let heroes shed blood and tears. Let's prove it with actions. From now on, from all of us, I believe that with our joint efforts, we will help the elderly, children and disabled people who need help, and make life better. Let's make the baton of love come true, Spread all over the motherland! Spread all over the world! Let Lei Feng spirit carry forward forever!
Today, I read the text chain of love. It tells a story full of love on a cold winter night: the laid-off Joey helped the old woman repair her car free of charge, and the old woman was taken good care of by Joey's wife during the meal. She was also infected by love and left some money behind. The story shows the chain of love between people, Praises the good feelings of mutual love and help between people
When Joey helped the old woman repair her car, she asked how much money she would give him. He never thought that helping others should be rewarded. Besides, he had been helped by others when he was in trouble in the past, and he had been helping people in trouble all the time. The old woman's action was probably the first time he met. How could he not be surprised? This reflects Joey's consistent simplicity and helpfulness, Regardless of pay, he has a kind heart, he uses this kind heart to help people in need
I think of Lei Feng. Lei Feng has done a lot of good things in his life. He never needs to be paid for doing good things for others. You must have heard a saying: "do good things without leaving a name." because as long as you get help from others, you always ask him, "what's your name?" someone will tell you his name, Some people will say, "it's my pleasure to help you. It doesn't matter if your name is heavy."
Like Lei Feng, Joey thinks of others everywhere, even his own hands are bleeding. Joey still continues to help the old woman repair the car. He writes about Joey's good character of helping people and has a kind heart. There are many people like Joey in the world, but you just don't meet them. As long as everyone has a kind heart, You can make many good friends. As long as you treat others with sincerity, others will repay you with sincerity
After reading this text, I learned from Joey: if you have the strength to help others, you should try your best to help others. If you don't have the ability to help others, but you can study hard, grow up, and use your ability to help people in need. In this way, you can also give your love. The people who have received your help will continue to pass on this love, Let more people feel the warmth of this love
In my life and study, I want to learn the spirit of joy. I want to learn the spirit of joy who is willing to help others without paying. In my study, I will take the initiative to help my classmates solve problems. In my life, as long as I see people who need help, whether they are children or old people, I will take the initiative to help them, It is "dedication of love". If everyone gives a little bit of love, there will be more people to feel this love, and there will be more life and happiness in the world. Next, I find a poem around "dedication of love" to describe how much "dedication of love" affects life. Please see the poem "dedication of love" below, I hope that those who see this poem can give a little love to help those in need. Those who are helped by you will help you when you are in trouble! --- after reading the chain of love
Chain of love is a touching English story. The hero of the story is a poor man
On a snowy evening, on the way to find a job, she helped an old woman. The old woman was very grateful to him. When she wanted to pay Joey, she was rejected. Joey said, "if you want to repay me, go and help those who need help!