English translation First, Robert is just one young overseas Chinese who has come to visit his superiors' home, as part of the in search of Roots summer camp program!

English translation First, Robert is just one young overseas Chinese who has come to visit his superiors' home, as part of the in search of Roots summer camp program!

Robert is just one of many overseas Chinese who come back to the motherland to find their ancestors in the summer camp
Looking for home
In is the usage of in search of and does not need to be translated directly

English translation
Conversations with friends was not helpful at all. "We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese," she said!

Talking to friends doesn't help at all. "We get so excited about something that we start talking in Chinese," she said

Given - 1 ≤ x ≤ 0, find the maximum and minimum values of the function y = 4 × 2 to the x power of - 3 × 4

The derivative shows that the function is a monotone decreasing function in the domain of definition, so the maximum value is: F (- 1) = 5 / 4; the minimum value is: F (0) = 1

50. English words beginning with i.f.e
English words that start with L
English words beginning with I
English words beginning with F
English words beginning with e
I want a lot of each (at least 10 words for each letter)

like light lightning long length listen look leaf lose lovelose langhlibraryill illness in image imagine interest interesting insist if is itflower fog fish fox feed food fax fin finger float forgetfa...

In math class, the teacher asked a question: "what is the result of subtracting 1 from the square of an odd number?" Please answer this question

[method 1]: when the odd number is 1, 3, 5, the number is 0, 8, 24, and (2 points), so the number should be a multiple of 8. (4 points) then turn to algebra, and give points according to method 2. (Note: check with - to two numbers, do not give points if there is no answer, answer is integer, even number gives 1 point, answer is a multiple of 4, 8

Find the minimum value of the function s = 2 (XY + YZ + ZX) under the constraint v = XYZ = 0

Because V = XYZ = 0, then one of the values is zero, let x = 0, then s = 2yz, YZ is not zero, so s = 2 (when both are integers)

Simple operation of 48 times 5 times 2 minus 4 times 48

48 times 2 plus 5 minus 1 times 48

5,9 / 2,13 / 4,17 / 8
/Division sign

If the first term is regarded as n = 1, its general term formula is (4N + 1) / (n-1 power of 2); if the first term is regarded as n = 0, its general term formula is (4N + 5) / (n power of 2)

Circle a x2 + Y2 + 2x + 2y-2 = 0 circle bx2 + y2-2ax-2by + A2-1 = 0 when a and B change, circle B always bisects the circumference of circle a to find the trajectory equation of the center of circle B

The title is as follows:
Circle a: x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + 2x + 2y-2 = 0 circle B: x ^ 2 + y ^ 2-2ax-2by + A ^ 2-1 = 0
The equations of the two circles are reduced to the standard form
Circle a: (x + 1) ^ 2 + (y + 1) ^ 2 = 4 circle B: (x-a) ^ 2 + (y-b) ^ 2 = B ^ 2 + 1
The radius of the center (- 1, - 1) of circle a is 2; the radius of the center (a, b) of circle a is √ (b ^ 2 + 1)
The following is an analysis of the sentence "circle B always bisects the circumference of circle a"
Circle B bisects the circumference of circle a, that is, the line connecting the intersection of circle B and circle a passes through the center of circle a
The line segment between the two intersections is the diameter of circle a
Then the center line of the two circles must be perpendicular to the intersection line
Therefore, a right triangle can be constructed
The square of the distance between the centers of two circles + the square of the radius of circle a = the square of the radius of circle B
That is, (a + 1) ^ 2 + (B + 1) ^ 2 + 4 = B ^ 2 + 1
B = - (1 / 2) a ^ 2-a-5 / 2
And point (a, b) is the center coordinate of circle B
So the trajectory equation of the center of circle B is
Note: ^ means square, for example, a ^ 2 means square of A

What are the key points of methane production from anhydrous sodium acetate and soda lime?

2nh4cl + Ca (OH) 2 = CaCl2 + 2nh3 + 2H2O (conditional heating)
The reactants are solid and need to be heated and absolutely dry,
The preparation of methane is also in the environment of solid heating and absolute drying, so the two methods are the same,
However, the way of collection is different. NH3 is soluble in water, so it can not be drained, but can only be drained downward. CH4 can be drained or drained downward