Answers to the matching exercise book of the people's education press of the people's Republic of China

Answers to the matching exercise book of the people's education press of the people's Republic of China

4. Metaphorical contrast
5. Narration, description, discussion and lyricism

Article: full of the whole summer is a tense, warm, urgent melody
As if a pot of water on the stove was bubbling and bubbling, and finally boiling, the grass on the hillside grew into a dense thick hair, and the light green smoke on the forest belt condensed into a long dark wall. The flying bees and butterflies disappeared, but in exchange for the annoying cicadas, and the potential leaves were singing. The red sun was baking a golden land, and the wheat waves were rolling, Gold dominates everything in the world. The hot wind floats across the fields, blowing the ripe smell of wheat. After half a year's accumulation, the aura of spring has become a majestic momentum, rolling in the fields and rising between the heaven and the earth. Summer is coming
1. "The red sun is baking a golden land, the wheat waves are rolling, beating the mountains in the distance, the clouds in the sky, beating the cars on the road, like the ships on the waves. The gold dominates everything in the world, the hot wind is floating, blowing the ripe wheat fragrance across the fields."
From which three perspectives do these sentences describe mature wheat?

1. The red sun is baking a piece of golden earth
Gold dominates everything in the world
3. Blowing the smell of ripe wheat

A quiet warning
Is a long landscape, "passengers", is the main role of this flow line
Next to my seat is the fraternity seat. A student girl is sitting unknowingly - well, I mean, she is not suitable for this seat. This situation is not common and there are no rules. Most passengers don't mind very much. However, if someone kindly reminds me, it's a good thing every day
I was reading a large program list, so I moved my body close to the girl, raised the program list, covered half of my face and the girl's face, and whispered to her: "this seat is for old and weak women and children."
A moment later, she stood up and quietly left her seat
For a moment, I thought the girl was so cute
"Good children" are not born, they are taught, but they should also be based on "respect" and "tolerance". Especially in public places, "adults" often show the posture of "acting for heaven" to reprimand. The effect must not be big, but become the fuse of accumulated resentment. I firmly believe that "promoting good in the court, regulating private room" is the truth of "preaching"
Another thing happened many years ago. The bus I took was extremely crowded. It was full of primary school students coming home from school, chirping like birds in a cage. With only two eyes to move, I caught a glimpse of a little boy sitting by the window, holding a can of coke on the windowsill in his left hand. It was like slow motion in a movie. He slowly moved the coke can in his hand, which made me feel very light, It's supposed to be an empty can; his hand hung down to the windowsill, obviously trying to throw it away!
In the crevice of the crowd, he found that I smile, I gently shake my head to him and the "warning" in his eyes
Yes, the little boy saw the kindness and advice of a kind man. He moved slowly and took back the empty can he was holding. I nodded to him in praise. This is a warm mime on the bus. The protagonist is a child with pure heart
The following sentences are vivid and expressive. Please appreciate them in context
(1) I put my body close to the girl and raised the program to cover half of my face and the girl's
(2) The bus I took was extremely crowded, full of primary school students coming home from school, chirping like birds in a cage
The girl and the boy in the text have corrected their behavior after they know the warning meaning of "I". Combined with the context, they try to figure out their mental activities at that time and choose a character (boy or girl) to express it in the first person
Could you change the title of the article to "caution"? Please give a brief explanation

Through the protagonist's behavior, it shows that the protagonist hopes to inform the other party that he should leave the seat in a kind way, which also echoes the theme of this article. Through chirping like birds in the cage, it reflects the special name of the pupils' hyperactivity, and highlights the plot of the car full of pupils. Girl: I feel that although my behavior is not prohibited, it is really inappropriate to do so, I feel a little shy and introspective, but also improve my own realm. No, because the main idea of this article is not only the warning itself, but also the way of warning

The area of cultivated land is 150 meters long and 50 meters wide. How many Mu is it

One mu is equal to 666.667 square meters
Cultivated land area = 150 × 50 = 7500
7500 △ 666.667 ≈ 11 Mu

Find the integer solution of the equation 2x ^ 2 + XY + y ^ 2-x + 2Y + 1

In the descending order of Y, y ^ 2 + (x + 2) y + (2x ^ 2-x + 1) = 0 (1) Therefore, 0 ≤ x ≤ 8 / 7 satisfies two integers: ① x = 0, then equation (1) becomes: y ^ 2 + 2Y + 1 = 0, y = - 1, ② x = 1, then equation (1) becomes: y ^ 2 + 2Y + 1 = 0

The headmaster is an English word


Mr. Chen asked a question on the blackboard: are the fractions 2x + 8 / x ^ 2-16 and 2 / x-4 the same and why?
Zhang Ming said: because 2x + 8 / x ^ 2-16 = 2 (x + 4) / (x + 4) (x-4) = 2 / x-4, they are the same fraction
Li Dong said: because 2 / x-4 = 2 (x + 4) / (x + 4) (x-4) = 2x + 8 / x ^ 2-16, they are the same fraction
Do you agree with them? If not, please give your reasons

∵ 2x + 8 / x ^ 2-16 fraction to be meaningful, X ≠ ± 4
If the 2 / x-4 fraction is meaningful, it needs x ≠ 4
The two fractions are not the same

The function y is equal to x + 1 divided by 2x-1, and the value range of the independent variable x is
(A) X is not equal to 0 (b) x is not equal to 1
(C) X is not equal to - 1 (d) x is not equal to half

Because 2x-1 is on the denominator, it cannot be 0
2x-1 must not be less than 0
The solution of X is not half

Simple calculation of 724 + 276 / (45 / 15)


What is the general term formula of 1, - 3,5, - 7, and how to calculate it? Besides, what is the general term formula of - 1,3, - 5,7?

The N-1 power of an = (2n-1) × (- 1), and the next one is the n-th power of an = (2n-1) × (- 1)