Unit 6 in Grade 6 tapping on the gate of poetry

Unit 6 in Grade 6 tapping on the gate of poetry

The poem is divided into four sections, four lines in each section
The first section is about the characteristics of birch. Use "silver frost" and "snowflake" to describe the white image of birch. A word "Tu" accurately shows a layer of white skin on the trunk of birch; a word "Pi" personifies birch, which shows Birch's love for white and highlights the purity of birch
The next section describes the branches and leaves of birch. Since the birch is covered with snow, the leaves that have not been taken off are covered with soft snow, and the "hairy" white tip of the tree sets off the purple branches, As if to birch inlaid with a "snow embroidered lace". The fluffy snow branches like a string of blooming spikes, tassels in general good-looking. This sentence reminds us of Cen Shen's famous sentence: "suddenly like a night of spring breeze, thousands of trees pear blossom." the author tried his best to imagine, praise the birch after the snow, its proud cold standing image
In the third section, the author always writes about the beauty of Birch's temperament in its stillness. "Silence" is decorated with "hazy", which is the author's way of communicating with his senses to write about Birch's implicit and noble spirit. "Yuli" writes about Birch's straightness, noble temperament and extraordinary splendor, The two verbs "Yuli" and "Shanzhao" highlight a special dynamic beauty of the standing birch
In the last section, the poet puts the birch under the reflection of the morning glow, and "stroll" accurately and delicately describes the process of the generation of the morning glow with personification. The "late arrival" highlights the beauty of the shape of the morning glow, and further sets off the beauty of the birch. The birch under the rendering of the morning glow has the meaning of "red, plain and enchanting"
In a word, the first two sections of the poem focus on describing the external image of birch, and the last two sections focus on expressing the internal temperament of birch. In order to highlight the image temperament of birch, the author tries to portray it from many aspects, from many angles, or from the front, or from the side, in order to create a vivid and vivid image
The poem is in the form of four lines and one stanza. Every stanza rhymes occasionally, and the whole poem rhymes harmoniously. It sounds like a cheerful serenade. In addition, the author's sincere love, praise and respect for birch between the lines makes this cheerful feeling more profound
Birch is the national tree of Russia. It is cold resistant, silvery white and elegant. Therefore, the poet's praise of birch contains his love for the nation and his passionate feelings for the motherland. When we read "there is a birch in front of my window", we can fully understand the intimate relationship between the poet and birch, which is accompanied and inseparable day and night!

To put it another way, it means that the meaning does not change
Little amber buried deep in the sand
Use: concentrate, no reason, full of vitality, full of seats, unexpected, breathtaking, eye-catching, stormy, no exception. Choose 3 to write a paragraph

Deep in the sand lay little amber
This morning is still sunny, who knows the weather changes so fast, in the afternoon, unexpected storm came for no reason

1. When the length and width of a rectangle are increased by 4cm, the area is increased by 40cm. What is the circumference of the original rectangle

The added part should include three parts, one is length multiplied by 4, one is width multiplied by 4, and the other is 4 multiplied by 4
So the original sum of length and width is (40-4 * 4) / 4 = 6cm
The circumference of the original rectangle is 6 * 2 = 12 cm

How many hours are three fifths of two-thirds of the time; how many hectares are four fifths of five twelfth of the hectare?

Three fifths of two-thirds are two fifths;
Four out of seven out of five out of twelve hectares are twenty-one out of five hectares

The railway bridge of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is 2185 meters longer than the highway bridge. The highway bridge is twice as long as the railway bridge, 2403 meters longer than the railway bridge. How long are the railway bridge and the highway bridge?
Come on! We need it!

Railway bridge is 2185 meters longer than highway bridge, that is, railway bridge = highway bridge + 2185 highway bridge is twice as long as railway bridge, that is highway bridge X2 - 2403 = railway bridge, so highway bridge X2 - 2403 = highway bridge + 2185 highway bridge X2 - Highway Bridge = 2185 + 2403 Highway Bridge = 4588 railway bridge = highway bridge

Rotate the 5 cm long and 3 cm wide rectangle around the length and width respectively to get two different geometries. Which one has the largest volume?

Two kinds of geometry are cylinders: (1) one is a cylinder with a bottom radius of 5cm and a height of 3cm; (2) one is a cylinder with a bottom radius of 3cm and a height of 5cm
(1) The volume of (2) is 3x3x π X5 = 45 π (cm2)
Answer: the volume of "the bottom radius is 5cm and the height is 3cm cylinder" is larger

Excuse me: what is 1 / 5 power of 1.2?

The 1, 5 power of 1.2 is equal to
=1.2^1 x 1.2^0.5
=1.2x √1.2
=6/5 x √ 30 ÷5
1 / 5 power of 1.2 ≈ 1.04

Beibei and Lili run 60 meters and start at the same time. When Beibei runs 40 meters, Lili has already run 38 meters. In this way, when Beibei reaches the end, Lili is () meters away from the end
A. 2B. 3C. 4D

60-60 × 3840, = 60-57, = 3 (m), that is, Lili is 3 meters away from the end

It is known that in the parallelogram ABCD, the diagonal lines AC and BD intersect at point O. if the area of the parallelogram is 24, then the area of the triangle AOB is 24

It is one fourth of the area of a parallelogram, which is equal to 6, because the areas of the four triangles divided by the two diagonals of a parallelogram are equal

1. Mr. Wang deposited 20000 yuan in the bank a few years ago. The interest after deducting the interest tax is 2137.5 yuan. If the annual interest rate is 2.25%, how long will Mr. Wang keep the money in the bank? (the personal income tax rate is calculated as 5%)
2. During the anniversary of a shopping mall, there is an activity of "buy 100 and get 30 free". The original price of a certain brand of tape recorder is 220 yuan. How much does it cost Xiaoming to buy it?
3. A company has invested 200000 yuan in the production of a and B products. The profit rate of a product is 22.5%, and that of B product is 33.3%. What is 53640 yuan for the two products, and how many ten thousand yuan for the two products?
4. In order to promote the sales of a certain brand of air conditioner, a shopping mall stipulates that the purchase of the air conditioner during the national day of 2009 can be paid in two installments. It is required to pay a sum of money in advance, and the rest and its interest will be paid off on the National Day of 2010?

1. The interest is 2137.5 (1-5%) = 2250 yuan
The deposit period is 2250 (20000 × 2.25%) = 5 (years)
2. If only 30 yuan, it will cost 220-30 = 190 yuan
If you get 60 yuan, it will cost 220-60 = 160 yuan