Who knows the poems about Taishan, Yangtze River, West Lake, Suzhou, Hangzhou and Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge

Who knows the poems about Taishan, Yangtze River, West Lake, Suzhou, Hangzhou and Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge

The West Lake is better than the West Lake. The water is clear and the rain is wonderful. The West Lake is better than the West Lake in heavy make-up. The shadow is slanting, the water is clear, the fragrance is floating, the lotus leaves are endless, the sun is shining, and the lotus flowers are different. The green hills outside the red mountains / when will the West Lake dance / the warm wind make the tourists drunk / straight

Chinese is the best English phrase to travel to Europe,

1. Say hello
Hi,handsome boy / beauty!Great day,isn't it?/ What a fine day!..
2. Ask for directions
Excuse me!Where is xxx?
Excuse me !Could you please tell me how can I go to .../ Where is the nearest way to xxx?
Thanks a lot !/ Many thanks!/ Thank you.
4. When you help others, others say thank you
My pleasure!/You're welcome./That's all right.
5. When you enter the elevator or hotel with others, you can say:
After you.
6. When you are ready to pay for others,
I‘ll treat you.
7. When you appreciate that other people's clothes match well
You look great with that shirt / glasses / tie!/ The shirt / glasses/tie match you wonderfully.
8. When you communicate with others that you are good at or not very good at something,
I’m good at swimming / playing basketball.I do not do well in speaking English.
9. When you talk about love at first sight,
Fall in love with sb at first sight
Have a Google trip for you!

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