The title of this article is the same as that of the last lesson of Todd, but what's the difference between the meaning of the last lesson?

The title of this article is the same as that of the last lesson of Todd, but what's the difference between the meaning of the last lesson?

Fan Fangqi's "the last lesson" is about a retired teacher standing on the last lesson of his life. In order to make a rare good teacher leave his post easily, the children think of a bad idea, which really makes the old teacher mistake

Dashes are used to make sentences with progressive meaning

The progression of meaning
Naturally, we should read, read and memorize - and recite them
4. A dash is used to indicate the cause and effect relationship between sentences
He first pointed out that puppy love is not shameful - it is a very natural and normal phenomenon Puppy love is not lovely - the fruit that bears early is not sweet, the flower that opens early is withered