English translation The thread in my mother's hand and the coat of my wanderer's body are tightly sewn before I leave. I'm afraid I'll come back late__ How to translate this ancient poem,

English translation The thread in my mother's hand and the coat of my wanderer's body are tightly sewn before I leave. I'm afraid I'll come back late__ How to translate this ancient poem,

A thread is in my fond mother's hand moving.
For her son to wear the clothes ere leaving.
With her whole heart she's sewing and sewing.
For fear I'll e'er be roving and roving.
Who says the little soul of grass waving.
Could for the warmth repay the sun of spring.
1. Wanderer's chant: wanderer, a visitor. Chant, a name of poetry
Cuncao: it symbolizes children here
3. Heart: the base of plants is called heart. Here the word "heart" is pun
[brief analysis]
This is a kind and sincere Ode to mother's love. The author of the title annotates "Li Shangzuo welcoming his mother". Meng Jiao was poor all his life. He didn't get the humble post of Liyang County captain until he was 50 years old. This poem was written when he was a resident of Liyang
In the first two sentences, "the thread in the hand of the loving mother and the coat of the wanderer", the two very common things of "thread" and "clothes" closely connect "the loving mother" and "wanderer", and write out the flesh and blood feelings of the mother and the son's dependence on each other. In the third and fourth sentences, "I'm afraid I'll be late to return when I'm on a tight journey", through the depiction of the action and psychology of the loving mother's making clothes for the wanderer, The mother's thousands of stitches and threads are closely stitched because she is afraid that her son will not be able to return. The great maternal love is naturally revealed through the details of daily life
The last two sentences are "who says that the heart of grass is rewarded with the sunshine of spring". They are the author's direct praise of maternal love. These two sentences adopt the traditional way of comparison: the daughter is just like grass, and the maternal love is like sunshine in spring. How can the daughter repay the maternal love in case? The contrast and figurative metaphor express the sincere love of the child to the loving mother
This poem artistically reproduces the common sense of ordinary and great beauty of human nature, so it has won the strong resonance of countless readers for thousands of years. Until the Qing Dynasty, two poets in Liyang chanted such verses: "father's book is full of empty baskets, and the bus is lingering in my ru" (Shi Qisheng's "writing my heart"), and "how many tears I always dye my hands and sew my clothes" (Peng GUI's "I feel very happy when my younger brother Jianchu comes to visit my relatives"), It shows that this poem has a deep impression on later generations

Ancient poems chanted by wanderers ancient poems chanted by wanderers ancient poems chanted by wanderers ancient poems chanted by wanderers ancient poems chanted by Wanderers

The thread in the mother's hand is the coat of the wanderer's body
I'm afraid I'll be late when I leave
Who said inch grass heart, reported three spring

Two sentences of "from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore" in Zhaohuaxishi

It is not necessary to say the green vegetable beds, the smooth stone well fences, the tall acacia trees, the purple mulberry; it is not necessary to say the cicadas singing in the leaves, the fat wasps lying on the cauliflower, and the light call the skylark suddenly darting from the grass to the clouds. Just around the short mud wall root, there is infinite fun. The sandfly sings here, and the crickets play here
Write about the infinite fun of BaiCaoYuan
Maybe it's because he destroyed the mud wall, maybe it's because he threw the brick to Liang's house, maybe it's because he jumped down from the stone well All in all: I won't be able to go to BaiCaoYuan often. Ade [513], my crickets! Ade, my raspberries and Manglietia
There are three ways to guess the reason why I was sent to the library