What thoughts and feelings does the poem spring express

What thoughts and feelings does the poem spring express

Spring day
Zhu Xi
SHENGRI seeks Fangsi waterfront, the boundless scenery is new
When you know the east wind, it's always spring
This is an impromptu poem, which describes the mood of outing in spring and the scene of spring. It is also a poem about reason and interest. The author combines the soft and bright spring light with the author's happy mood in a simple way, The fourth sentence further explains that he is not a young man's leisure spring outing, it is to express a kind of philosophy, as well as the understanding of nature and the universe. The whole poem expresses the pursuit of natural, not impatient self-cultivation and natural pragmatic efforts of Neo Confucianism, and also shows a kind of leisure and quiet artistic conception. The style is simple and natural, and the language is simple and popular
1. Victory Day: originally refers to the festival or the day when relatives and friends meet, here refers to the day with good weather
2. Xunfang: visit (Riverside) and enjoy spring flowers
3. Surabaya: Surabaya, river name, in Shandong Province; waterfront, waterfront
4. One moment: all at once
5. Easy to know dongfengmian: easy, ordinary, casual; know, feel; dongfengmian, spring breeze
Face and spirit
Explore the beautiful scenery in the Surabaya, infinite scenery take on a new look
You can easily recognize the evil face of the east wind, and the myriad colors in your eyes are fragrant spring
Appreciation of the famous saying: "all colors are always spring."
The first sentence points out the time and place of the trip, and the next three sentences describe what the poet sees and knows about "seeking fragrance". When spring returns to the earth, the poet is fresh and fresh. It is this fresh feeling that makes the poet know the east wind. It is like a night's east wind blowing a myriad of flowers; and the scene of flowers blooming is not the vibrant spring light? The poet goes from "seeking" to "knowing", and deepens step by step, However, in the Southern Song Dynasty, the place had been occupied by the state of Jin, so how could Zhu Xi go to spring? It turns out that this is a philosophical poem. In the poem, "Surabaya" is a metaphor for Confucius, "seeking fragrance" is a metaphor for seeking the way of saints, "Dongfeng" is a metaphor for enlightenment, "Spring" is a metaphor for Confucius' benevolence. If these meanings are written in the language of philosophy handout, they will inevitably be boring. This poem melts philosophy into vivid images without revealing the traces of reasoning. This is Zhu Xi's wisdom. Of course, if readers ignore those philosophies and only appreciate them as a poem about spring, it is also the reader's right, and Zhu Xi is helpless

What is the meaning of spring in enjoy spring as we do? What kind of thoughts and feelings does the poem express

Through a series of questions about why the beautiful natural scenes were destroyed by the war, this song washes out the children's appeal for peace, hopes that children all over the world can enjoy the beautiful spring together, and expresses people's expectation for world peace

What thoughts and feelings does the poem express?

In the spring, Zhu Xi searched for Fangsi waterfront better than the sun, and the boundless scenery was new all the time. He knew the east wind at leisure, and the colorful scenery was always spring. This is an impromptu poem, which describes the mood of outing in spring and the scene of spring. It is also an interesting poem. The author combines the soft and bright spring light with the author's happy mood with simple techniques