A total of 36 chickens and rabbits, a total of 100 chickens and rabbits with feet

A total of 36 chickens and rabbits, a total of 100 chickens and rabbits with feet

Chicken is X
Rabbit is y
So x = 22, y = 14

There are 36 chickens and 100 feet in total. How many chickens and rabbits are there?

(1) Suppose that all 36 chickens are chickens
2 × 36 = 72
(2) Actual number of extra feet:
100-72 = 28
(3) The number of feet increased by one rabbit for each chicken:
4-2 = 2
(4) Number of rabbits:
28 △ 2 = 14
(5) Number of chickens:
36-14 = 22
Comprehensive formula:
(100-36 × 2) / (4-2) = 28 / 2 = 14 (rabbits)
36-14 = 22 (chickens)
A: there are 14 rabbits and 22 chickens
It can also be assumed that the 36 rabbits are all rabbits, then the number of feet will be 36 × 4-100 = 44 more than the actual number of feet. If the number of feet is changed from chicken to rabbit, the number of feet will be reduced, but the number of feet will remain unchanged, and one chicken for one rabbit will reduce two feet
(36 × 4-100) △ 4-2 = 44 △ 2 = 22 (chickens)
36-22 = 14 (rabbits)