Is the reaction rate constant related to the reaction mechanism? Besides temperature, which physical quantities are the reaction rate constants related to? There is a reaction rate constant It's not about equilibrium constants

Is the reaction rate constant related to the reaction mechanism? Besides temperature, which physical quantities are the reaction rate constants related to? There is a reaction rate constant It's not about equilibrium constants

Of course, it has something to do with the reaction process. A simple lie son catalyst can increase the reaction constant, which is related to the change of the reaction process. It reduces the activation energy and more active molecules, which changes the reaction process. As for the Arrhenius equation, the empirical equation without considering the catalyst condition is only related to the temperature
This is not clear, the reaction is different under different conditions
For example, the reaction in solution is related to the constants and properties of the solvent

Is there any relationship between the rate constant and the equilibrium constant?
I only know that they are all related to concentration, so quantitative analysis is needed

The rate constant of reaction is the problem of chemical kinetics, that is, the speed of reaction. The equilibrium constant reflects the extent of chemical reaction theoretically, which is a problem of chemical thermodynamics

What is the temperature coefficient of the rate constant

In most chemical reactions, the reaction rate increases with increasing temperature
It is generally considered that the effect of temperature on the concentration can be ignored, so the change of reaction rate with temperature is reflected in the change of rate constant with temperature
The experimental results show that for homogeneous thermochemical reaction, the reaction rate becomes 2-4 times of the original for every 10 K increase in reaction temperature,
That is K (T + 10K) / K (T) ≈ 4
This formula is called the van der Hoff rule
Where K (T) is the rate constant at t and K (T + 10K) is the rate constant of the same chemical reaction at t + 10K
This ratio is also called the temperature coefficient of the reaction rate
Although the van terhoff rule is not accurate, it is still useful for rough calculation in the absence of data

For the influence of temperature on chemical reaction rate
For chemical equilibrium, the key is to keep the positive and negative reaction rates equal. When the temperature increases or decreases, the equilibrium will move to the endothermic or exothermic direction. The reason why the equilibrium will move is that the positive and negative reaction rates are not equal. For example, for an equilibrium in which the positive reaction is endothermic, increasing the temperature will cause the equilibrium to move to the endothermic or exothermic direction, The equilibrium moves towards endothermic direction. The reason should be that the positive reaction rate is greater than the reverse reaction rate at the moment when the old equilibrium is broken. In addition, I think the equilibrium should move first when the positive reaction rate is greater than the reverse reaction rate, and then move again. Almost at the same time
I've talked so much. Now, let's ask the question. For an equilibrium in which a positive reaction is an endothermic reaction, increase the temperature, Why does the rate of positive reaction increase faster than that of reverse reaction? In other words, why does the increase of the percentage of activated molecules of reactants exceed that of products at the same temperature? (for endothermic reaction, the energy of reactants should be lower than that of products at the beginning.)
For a gas, the higher the temperature, the more disordered the gas motion is, the more entropy and energy increase. But I asked why the rate of positive reaction increases faster than that of reverse reaction with the increase of temperature?

The question you ask falls within the scope of dynamics
As for the increase of positive reaction rate caused by heating, it can be obtained from some kinetic equations
There is an equation used to express the rate of chemical reaction in kinetics, which is called the law of mass action. There is a concentration expression term in the law of mass action, which indicates that the rate of chemical reaction is related to the concentration of substance. There is also a rate constant K, which can be expressed according to the Arrhenius formula, including temperature T and activation energy EA
Therefore, it can be known that the change of temperature actually affects the rate constant K in the law of mass action
According to a series of integral calculation and plotting, we can draw a conclusion: generally, with the same temperature increasing, the reaction with higher activation energy will increase the rate constant by a larger multiple, and with the same concentration, the rate increase will be larger
Therefore, if the increase of temperature makes the chemical equilibrium move forward, we can say that the reason is that the activation energy of the positive reaction is basically greater than that of the reverse reaction