The cube is 1 decimeter long and? Cubic meter in volume

The cube is 1 decimeter long and? Cubic meter in volume

1 decimeter = 0.1 meter, cube volume = 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1 = 0.001 cubic meter

The total edge length of a cube is 36 cm, its surface area is () square cm, and its volume is () cubic cm

The total edge length of a cube is 36 cm, its surface area is (54) square cm, and its volume is (27) cubic cm
The total edge length of a cube is 36 cm, and the edge length is 36 / 12 = 3
Surface area = 6 * 3 * 3 = 54
Volume 3 * 3 * 3 = 27

The surface area of a cube is 54 square centimeters, the area of each side is () square decimeters, the edge length is () decimeters, and the volume is () cubic decimeters

The surface area of a cube is 54 square centimeters, the area of each side is (9) square decimeters, the edge length is (3) decimeters, and the volume is (27) cubic decimeters

The edge length of a cube is 4 decimeters, and the sum of its edge lengths is 1______ Decimeter, the surface area is______ Square decimeter, volume is______ Cubic decimeter

In rectangular coordinate system, what is the coordinate of the symmetrical point with the straight line y = 2x + 4 as the axis origin

The line passing through the origin and perpendicular to the line y = 2x + 4 is x + 2Y = 0. The intersection of the two lines is (- 8 / 5, - 4 / 5). This point is the midpoint of the line between the origin and its symmetrical point, so the symmetrical point of the origin is (- 16 / 5, - 8 / 5)

In the rectangular coordinate system, the line composed of the points whose coordinates are the solution of the equation - 2x + y = 5 intersects with the X axis at point a, intersects with the Y axis at point B, and O is the coordinate origin
Then the area of triangle AOB is:

When x = 0, y = 5, when y = 0, x = - 2.5

In the plane rectangular coordinate system, the midpoint o is the coordinate origin, and the line AB intersects the x-axis, Y-axis at two points (1) of a (- 6,0), B (0,12) to find the function analytical formula of the line ab
(2) If there is a point C (0,6) on the Y axis, and point P is any point in the coordinate plane, is there such a point P in the coordinate plane, so that the four sides with a, B, C, P as the vertex are isosceles trapezoid? If so, please write down the coordinates of p; if not, please explain the reason

(1) Let the analytic formula of the function of the line AB be y = KX + B, and substitute a (- 6,0), B (0,12) into the solution to get k = 2, B = 12, so the analytic formula of the function of the line AB is y = 2x + 12. (2) after drawing the diagram, we can see that if AB is the waist and BC is the bottom, it will not form an isosceles trapezoid, so we must let BC be the waist and ab be the bottom, CP ‖ AB, then the slope of the line CP is k = straight

A straight line passes through the point P (3 / 4,2) and intersects with the positive half axis of x-axis and y-axis at two points a and B respectively. O is the coordinate origin. Whether there is such a straight line satisfies the following conditions:
1. The perimeter of triangle AOB is 12
2. The area of triangle AOB is 6
If it exists, find out the equation of the straight line. If it does not exist, explain the reason

In short, it is to prove whether it is true. 1. If the perimeter of the triangle AOB is 12, the perimeter is 12, and an angle is 90 degrees, we can calculate the equation of the straight line, and then we can calculate whether the point P is on the straight line. 2. If the area of the triangle is 6, and the area is 6 plus a right angle, there are several cases to prove one by one. 3
From junior high school for a long time forget public theorem is still a problem, you see for yourself

Given that the line L passes through the point P (3,2) and intersects with the positive half axis of x-axis and y-axis at two points a and B respectively, (1) find the minimum area of △ ABO and the equation of the line L at this time; (2) find the minimum value of the sum of the intercept of the line L on two coordinate axes

Let the slope of the line l be K, K < 0, then the equation is Y-2 = K (x-3),
Let x = 0, y = 2-3K,
If and only if (- 9K / 2) = (- 2 / k), that is, k = - 2 / 3, then =,
The minimum value of s △ AOB is 6 + 6 = 12,
In this case, Y-2 = - 2 / 3 (x-3), that is, 3Y + 2x-12 = 0

When the line L passes through the point m (2,1) and intersects the positive half axis of x-axis and y-axis at two points a and B respectively, O is the coordinate origin. (I) when the area of △ OAB is the smallest, the equation of line L is obtained. (II) when | Ma | · | MB | is the minimum, the equation of line L is obtained

(1) Let the equation of line l be XA + Yb = 1 (a, B are all positive numbers), ∵ l pass through the point m (2, 1), ∵ 2A + 1b = 1. ∵ 1 = 2A + 1b ≥ 22a · 1b, then ab ≥ 8 is simplified. If and only if 2A = 1b, that is, a = 4, B = 2, the equal sign holds. When a = 4, B = 2, AB has a minimum value of 8, and the area of △ OAB is s = 12ab = 4, reaching the minimum value. The equation of the equation of line L is X4 + y2 = 1, that is x + 2y-4 = 0 )In RT △ MPa, sin α = | mp|||||||||ma |, then ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||124\\\\\\\\\when | MB | = 4sin2 α = 4 reaches the minimum, the slope of the line L is k = - 1, The linear equation is Y-1 = - (X-2), that is, x + Y-3 = 0