The quotient of a divided by B is 5?

The quotient of a divided by B is 5?

[ a ,b ]=5
[a, b] denotes that a is rounded by B

Some fractions are divided by 528, 1556 and 1120, and the three quotients are integers. Then the smallest of all such fractions is an integer______ .

20 = 2 × 2 × 5, 56 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 7, 28 = 2 × 2 × 7, so the greatest common divisor of 20, 56 and 28 is 2 × 2 = 4; 15 = 3 × 5, 21 = 3 × 7, so the least common multiple of 5, 15 and 21 is 3 × 5 × 7 = 105; so the smallest of such fractions is 1054, that is 2614; so the answer is 2614

If some fractions are divided by 5226112077 and the three quotients are integers, the smallest of these fractions is______ .

22 = 2 × 11, 77 = 7 × 11, so the greatest common divisor of 22, 11 and 77 is 11; the least common multiple of 5, 6 and 20 is 60, so the smallest of these scores is 6011; so the answer is: 6011

If some fractions are divided by 5226112077 and the three quotients are integers, the smallest of these fractions is______ .

22 = 2 × 11, 77 = 7 × 11, so the greatest common divisor of 22, 11 and 77 is 11; the least common multiple of 5, 6 and 20 is 60, so the smallest of these scores is 6011; so the answer is: 6011

Some fractions are divided by 5 / 22, 6 / 11 and 20 / 77 respectively, and the three quotients obtained are all integers, then the smallest one of these fractions


Some fractions are divided by 5 / 22, 6 / 11 and 30 / 77, and the three quotients are integers. What is the smallest of these fractions? What are the quotients

The least common multiple of 5,6,30 is 30; the greatest common divisor of 22,11,77 is 11
The number is 30 / 11
The quotients are 12, 5 and 7

Use 528, 1556, 1120 to remove a certain fraction, and the quotient obtained is an integer?

Let the minimum fraction be Mn, then Mn △ 528 = a, Mn △ 1556 = B, Mn △ 1120 = C, that is, Mn × 285 = a, Mn × 5615 = B, Mn × 2021 = C. Because Mn is the minimum and a, B, C are integers, M is the least common multiple of 5, 15, 21, n is the greatest common divisor of 28, 56, 20. The least common multiple of 5, 15, 21 is 105, and the greatest common divisor of 28, 56, 20 is 4. Minimum fraction: Mn = 1054 = 2614 A: this fraction The minimum is 2614

If the three quotients of some fractions divided by 5 / 28, 15 / 56 and 21 / 20 are integers, then the smallest of all such fractions is

The denominator of the smallest of these fractions should be the greatest common divisor of 28, 56 and 20, and the numerator is the least common multiple of 5, 15 and 21. 20 = 2 × 2 × 5, 56 = 2 × 2 × 7, 28 = 2 × 2 × 7, so the greatest common divisor of 20, 56 and 28 is 2 × 2 = 4; 15 = 3 × 5, 21 = 3 × 7, so 5, 15

Some fractions are divided by 5 / 28, 15 / 56, 63 / 20, and the three quotients are all integers

The smallest is 5 / 28. If you assume that the quotient divided by them is 1, then these scores are themselves, and the smallest is the first

Some fractions, divided by four and one sixth and two and seven ninths respectively, are integers. What is the maximum number of such fractions?
Please write down the process and reasons,

There is no maximum, only a minimum of 25 / 3