For a three digit number, the sum of the three digits is 17, the number on the hundred digit is 7 times larger than the number on the ten digit number, and the number on the one digit is 3 times of the number on the ten digit number

For a three digit number, the sum of the three digits is 17, the number on the hundred digit is 7 times larger than the number on the ten digit number, and the number on the one digit is 3 times of the number on the ten digit number

Let X be the number of ten, then the number of one is 3x, and the number of hundred is (x + 7). From the meaning of the question, we can get: 3x + X + (x + 7) = 17, and the solution is: x = 2, then we can get the number of one is 6, the number of ten is 2, and the number of hundred is 9. A: this three digit number is 926

For a three digit number, the number on the individual bit is a, the number on the ten bit is 2 larger than the number on the individual bit, and the number on the hundred bit is 1 / 2 of the number on the individual bit. Use the algebraic formula to express the three numbers, and find the three numbers when a = 4

The number on the tens is two times larger than that on the tens
The tenth is a + 2
Hundreds = A / 2
This number is 100 × A / 2 + 10 × (a + 2) + a = 50A + 10A + 20 + a = 61A + 20
This number = 61 × 4 + 20

There is a four digit number, and the sum of its digits can be divided by 17. If you add 1 to the four digit number, the sum of its digits can also be divided by 17. The minimum number of the four digit number is 1______ .

According to the meaning of the question, the sum of four digits after adding 1 has the following rules: (1) if there is no carry, then the sum of four digits = the sum of original digits + 1 = 18 or 35, which cannot be divisible by 17; (2) if there is one carry, then the sum of four digits = the sum of original digits + 1 - (10-1) = 9 or 26, which cannot be divisible by 17; (3) if there are two carry, then the sum of each digit = the sum of original digits The sum of numbers + 1 - (10-1) × 2 = 0 or 17 can be divided by 17, so the sum of all digits of the original four digits is 17 or 34. When the sum of all digits of the original four digits is 17, the number (such as 1079) which is most likely to carry by adding 1 can not carry twice, so the sum of all digits of the original four digits can only be 34, and only carry twice when adding 1 But: 88999799. The minimum is 8899. So the answer is: 8899