For a three digit number, the number on the hundred digit is 3 less than that on the ten digit number, and the number on the one digit is 2 less than that on the ten digit number. If the number on the hundred digit is exchanged with the number on the ten digit number, the sum of the number obtained from the original three digit number is 827. How to find the three digit number? (use equation solution)

For a three digit number, the number on the hundred digit is 3 less than that on the ten digit number, and the number on the one digit is 2 less than that on the ten digit number. If the number on the hundred digit is exchanged with the number on the ten digit number, the sum of the number obtained from the original three digit number is 827. How to find the three digit number? (use equation solution)

Let 10 digits be x, then 100 digits be x-3 and single digit be X-2
The original three digits were 364

If the order of the three digits is reversed, the sum of the three digits and the original three digits is 1171

Let 100 digits be x, then 10 digits be (x-1), and 1 digit be [3 (x-1) - 2]
According to the meaning of the title, {[3 (x-1) - 2] × 100 + (x-1) × 10 + X} + {(x × 100) + (x-1) × 10 + [3 (x-1) - 2]} = 1171
The hundred number is four
The ten digit number is three
The one digit number is seven
Checking calculation: 437 + 734 = 1171
So this three digit number is 437

If the order of the three digits is reversed, the sum of the obtained three digits and the original three digits is 1171. How to find the three digits?

Let 10 digits be x, then 100 digits be x + 1, and individual digits be 3x-2
From the meaning of the title
The solution is x = 3
So the original number is 437

If the order of three digits is reversed, the sum of the three digits and the original three digits is 1171, and the three digits can be calculated

Let X be the number of ten, then the number of one is 3x-2, and the number of hundred is x + 1, so 100 (x + 1) + 10x + (3x-2) + 100 (3x-2) + 10x + (x + 1) = 1171. The solution is: x = 3. A: the original three digit number is 437