There is a two digit number, the sum of its ten digit number and one digit number is 8, the new number obtained by exchanging the ten digit number and one digit number It's 54 times larger than the original number. Find this two digit number. To solve the equation, one variable once

There is a two digit number, the sum of its ten digit number and one digit number is 8, the new number obtained by exchanging the ten digit number and one digit number It's 54 times larger than the original number. Find this two digit number. To solve the equation, one variable once

Let ten digits be x, then the single digit is 8-x
So 10 (8-x) + X - (10x + 8-x) = 54
So the double-digit number is 17

The sum of a two digit number and a ten digit number is 10. If the new two digit number is 18 larger than the original two digit number, the original two digit number can be obtained. If the original two digit ten digit number is x, then the one digit number is X______ The original two digits are______ The new two digits are______ The equation is______ .

Let the original two digit ten digit number be x, then the one digit number is 10-x, the original two digit number is 10x + 10-x = 9x + 10, the new two digit number is 10 (10-x) + x = 100-9x, the equation is 100-9x - (9x + 10) = 18. So the answer is: 10-x; 9x + 10; 100-9x; 100-9x - (9x + 10) = 18

If a two digit number is exchanged with a ten digit number, the new two digit number obtained is 54 times larger than the original two digit number. How many two digit numbers are there to satisfy the condition

Let a be a and B be ten
Then the number is 10B + a
After the exchange, it's 10A + B
Because a and B are both single digits, and both of them should be ten digits, and neither of them is equal to 0
So B minimum is 1, a maximum is 9
So a = 7, B = 1
So there are three, 17, 28, 39