What is the meaning of zero solution and non-zero solution in linear algebra? What does linear represent?

What is the meaning of zero solution and non-zero solution in linear algebra? What does linear represent?

The zero solution in linear algebra refers to the linear secondary equation a. the X of equation AX = 0 can only take (0,0,0,0.). The explanation of non-zero is that except (0,0,0...) there are other vectors that can make it hold. I don't know what you mean by linear, which means linear algebra or linear equation
Ax = B. if B is 0, then it is a linear homogeneous equation. If B is not equal to 0, then it is a non-homogeneous linear equation

Given that the eigenvalues of matrix A = (A-41) (B 30) (0 02) are 1,1,2, find a, B; ask whether a is similar to diagonal matrix?
A=(a b 0)
-4 3 0
Ask for the guidance of the great God

[a -4 1]
[b 3 0]
[0 0 2]
Second, ask yourself to do it

From a α = λ α, P ^ - 1AP (P ^ - 1 α) = λ p ^ - 1 α is obtained,

Multiply p ^ - 1 on both sides of the equation
So p ^ - 1A (PP ^ - 1) α = λ p ^ - 1 α
So (P ^ - 1AP) (P ^ - 1 α) = λ p ^ - 1 α

Let a and B be real symmetric square matrices of order n, and a be positive definite, then there exists a real invertible matrix P such that p'ap = e, and p'bp = diag (λ 1 ,λn).

A real symmetric matrix must be similar diagonalized, positive definite, then all eigenvalues are greater than 0, so it is consistent with the identity matrix,