Volume of solution after mixing V1 ml water and V2 ml alcohol___ (V1 + V2) ml (> or

Volume of solution after mixing V1 ml water and V2 ml alcohol___ (V1 + V2) ml (> or

less than
Alcohol and water can form intermolecular hydrogen bonds directly, so they are miscible at any ratio

When neutralizing H2SO4, HCl and CH3COOH solutions with the same C (H +) and volume and consuming the same concentration of NaOH solution, the consumed volumes are V1, V2 and V3 respectively, the correct relationship among V1, V2 and V3 is ()
A. V1>V2=V3B. V3>V2=V1C. V1>V2>V3D. V1=V2=V3

In the same volume and pH of H2SO4 and HCl, C (H +) is the same. Dropping equal concentration of sodium hydroxide will just neutralize them. The volume of deacidification is V1 = V2, but CH3COOH is weak acid. When the pH is equal, its concentration is greater than HCl. Dropping equal concentration of sodium hydroxide will just neutralize them. If the weak acid continues to ionize to produce hydrogen ion, it will consume more alkali, that is, V2 < V3, so the volume relationship of acid consumption is v3 V2 = V1, so B

Under the same conditions, add & nbsp; 0.46g Na to 100ml of pH = 1 sulfuric acid, acetic acid and hydrochloric acid solutions respectively, and the volumes of hydrogen produced are V1, V2 and V3 respectively
A. V1=V3<V2B. V1=V3>V2C. V1=V3=V2D. V3<V2<V1

In the solution of sulfuric acid, acetic acid and hydrochloric acid with n (NA) = 0.46g23g / mol = 0.02mol, pH = 1, the acid is insufficient, but the reaction of 2Na + 2H2O  2OH - + 2Na + + H2  takes place, and Na reacts completely, so the volume of hydrogen generated has nothing to do with the amount of acid, and is directly proportional to the mass of sodium. If the mass of sodium is equal, the hydrogen generated is the same, so V3 = V2 = V1, so C

Comparing the size of 2v1v2 / (V1 + V2) and (V1 + V2) / 2, V1 is not equal to v2,

=[2v1v2 * 2 - (V1 + V2) * (V1 + V2)] / 2 (V1 + V2) general score
=[4v1v2 - (square of V1 + square of 2v1v2 + V2)] / 2 (V1 + V2) expansion
=-(square of V1 - square of 2v1v2 + V2) / 2 (V1 + V2) pay attention to the minus sign and sort it out
=-Square of (V1-V2) / 2 (V1 + V2)
Because the square of (V1-V2) is always greater than or equal to 0, the square of - (V1-V2) is always less than or equal to 0
The scope of V1V2 is not specified in the title, so there are several cases
V1 and V2 are not equal and greater than or equal to 0, V1 + V2 is greater than 0, the difference is negative, the latter is larger
V1 and V2 are not equal and are less than or equal to 0, V1 + V2 is less than 0, the difference between the two is positive, the former is larger
V1 and V2 are not equal, one greater than 0 and one less than 0
If the absolute value of the number greater than 0 is greater than that of the number less than 0, V1 + V2 is greater than 0, the difference is negative, and the latter is greater
On the contrary, if the absolute value of the number greater than 0 is smaller than that of the number less than 0, and V1 + V2 is smaller than 0, the difference between the two is positive, and the former is larger