After 58.5g NaCl is prepared into 1L solution, the corresponding concentration of NaCl is 1mol / L?

After 58.5g NaCl is prepared into 1L solution, the corresponding concentration of NaCl is 1mol / L?

58.5g NaCl, that is, 1mol of NaCl, the mass divided by the molar mass is equal to the mass of the substance, 58.5g NaCl / 58.5g/mol = 1mol,
Make it into 1 L, then the corresponding solution is 1 mol divided by 1 L, then it is 1 mol / L

Is it right to say that the concentration of substance in the solution obtained by dissolving 1 mole of NaCl in 1 liter of water is 1 mol / L?

No, because the volume of one liter of water is not equal to one liter of solution

80 g NaOH is dissolved in 1 L water, the concentration of NaOH in the solution is 2 mol / L
It's very difficult to learn the chapter of chemical mole in grade one of senior high school

In this topic, the volume of solution includes the volume of water 1L and the volume of 80g sodium hydroxide (unknown), the total volume is more than 1L. The solute is sodium hydroxide, converted into substance

When 58.5g NaCl is dissolved in water to form 1L solution, the mass concentration of NaCl is Cl -, the mass concentration of Na + is CL
When 58.5g NaCl is dissolved in water to form 1L solution, the mass concentration of NaCl is Cl -, that of Na + is the mass concentration of Cl -

5 g NaCl, M = 1 mol
When the solution dissolved in water is less than 1 L, then C (NaCl) = 1 mol △ 1 L = 1 mol / L
Where C (Na +) = C (Cl -) = 1mol / L
The mass of Cl - = 1mol × 35.5g/mol = 35.5g