How many calories does an adult need in a day

How many calories does an adult need in a day

According to the book caloric and protein intake published by the World Health Organization, a healthy adult female needs 1800-1900 calories a day, while a male needs 1980-2340 calories, The intake of protein should be 10% - 15% of the daily caloric requirement of human body; the intake of carbohydrate should not be less than 55% of the daily caloric requirement of human body; the intake of fat should not exceed 30% of the daily caloric requirement. In addition, the daily intake of salt should not exceed 6G, and the daily intake of dietary fiber should not be less than 16g
Taking healthy adult women as an example, they should eat food with an average calorie content of 600-650 calories, which is equivalent to 10-12 black sesame dumplings, 12-15 dumplings or 4 spring cakes rolled with bean sprouts and sauced shredded pork. If they eat hot pot, it is equivalent to 50 grams of mutton, 50 grams of fat beef, 150 grams of vegetables, 50 grams of tofu, plus a pancake and a bowl of thick mutton soup
Men should eat more calories per meal than women, about 680-800 calories, which is about a quarter more than women. That is to say, they should eat 12-15 black sesame dumplings, 15-20 dumplings, 5-6 spring cakes rolled with bean sprouts and sauced shredded meat, or 60 grams of mutton, 60 grams of beef, 180 grams of vegetables, 60 grams of tofu, plus two pancakes and two bowls of mutton soup
The following 10 methods are considered by experts as the best way to lose weight
1、 Reduce calorie intake
Nutritionists believe that no matter what you control - protein, carbohydrate or fat, the ultimate reduction is caloric intake. If a person consumes less than 800 calories a day, he can lose 10 pounds in six weeks; if he consumes less than 500 calories, he can lose 10 pounds in two and a half months, Each person should consume at least 1200 kilocalories a day. If the amount of calories supplied to the body is too small, it will lose muscle. Muscle is the key to consume calories and promote metabolism
2、 Eat less fatty food
Experts have pointed out that every gram of fat contains 9 kilocalories. Compared with fat, carbohydrates and protein contain much less calories per gram, about 4 kilocalories. Therefore, it is not necessary to eat less to lose weight. Fresh vegetables, fruits and grains can be used instead of daily fatty foods (such as cream). Experts believe that if you only eat 20-40 grams of fat per day, you can eat 20-40 grams of fat per day, You can lose 10 pounds in two months. However, not everyone can lose weight by eating less fat. If you eat too much carbohydrate, you will gain weight
3、 Reduce food intake:
In order to lose weight, you don't have to give up your favorite food. It's important to control it. If you prefer a certain food and eat a large amount of it, you should pay attention to reducing the amount of meat each time. Instead of 200 grams of meat four times a week, you can eat 100 grams of meat each time. In this way, you can eat 1200 kilocalories less, It is suggested that dieters should put a scale in the kitchen and stick a sign to remind themselves of the weight of food they eat
4、 Eat more liquid food:
Usually, liquid food is very convenient to make. If you only eat liquid food or drink once a day, you can lose 10 pounds in 8 months. Liquid food should be diversified to avoid lack of nutrition. Under the guidance of a doctor, you can even have two liquid food meals a day. This can reduce 10 pounds in 5 weeks. But make sure that the liquid food you choose can provide the nutrients and protein your body needs, and ensure three meals a day
5、 Lose weight:
If you walk 6.5 kilometers in 45 minutes, you will lose 10 pounds in six months. If you walk 6.5 kilometers in 45 minutes, you will lose weight more quickly. Some people may say that "there is no time for walking". In fact, time is squeezed out. Cardiovascular doctors point out that this method of weight loss may increase appetite. Therefore, before or after walking, Can eat some low - fat food or fresh fruit, drink plenty of water, in order to supplement the body water due to sweating
6、 Regular exercise:
It is a good way to reduce body fat, lose weight, increase muscle and make full of energy to do regular exercise 3-5 times a week. Running, 5 times a week, 45 minutes each time, 170 meters per minute, can reduce 10 pounds in 3 months; dancing, 6 times a week, 1 hour each time, can reduce 10 pounds in 4 months; swimming, 4 hours per week, can reduce 10 pounds in 4 months; cycling, 4 times a week, can reduce 10 pounds, If you don't have any regular exercise before, you should do less at the beginning to prevent injury to your body. Too much exercise will increase your food intake, which will not achieve the goal of weight loss
7、 Strength training:
Strength training can strengthen muscles. The more muscles you have, the faster your metabolism will be. Weight lifting for 45 minutes three times a week can reduce 10 pounds in 10 months. In order to avoid hurting your body, ask your coach to help you choose the right weight and make the right exercise plan. Stretch before and after exercise to maintain your flexibility. The weight and frequency of weight lifting can be gradually increased
8、 Reduce calorie intake combined with walking:
If you take a 45 minute walk five times a week, you can lose 10 pounds in three months. If you keep the walk, you can lose 10 pounds in seven weeks
9、 Reducing fat intake combined with weight lifting:
This method can consume excess fat in the body, maintain good body shape, increase muscle, speed up metabolism, and promote cardiovascular health. If you eat 20 grams less fat every day and lift weights for 20 minutes, three times a week, you can lose 10 pounds in three and a half months
10、 The best choice:
According to the nine methods mentioned above, we should make a plan that can be implemented step by step. The most ideal combination is to control fat intake, strengthen exercise and strength training. As long as we have confidence and persevere in doing it, we will certainly achieve the goal of weight loss, muscle enhancement, cardiovascular health promotion and body metabolism. We will reduce the intake of 100 kilocalories a day, Take a walk three times a week, take 30 minutes to walk 3 kilometers each time, and do weight lifting exercise twice a week, 40 minutes each time. This combination can reduce 10 pounds in five months. At the beginning, the combination of the three methods may not be suitable, so try to increase gradually. For example, add one method to another. Be patient and don't rush for success
Experts point out that it is ideal for women to lose 1-0.5 pounds a week, and it is suitable for men to lose 1-2 pounds a week

How much food is one thousand calories equivalent to?

The amount of heat is different in different areas
1 bowl of rice (200g / bowl) 296 kcal
Frozen tofu 1 piece (16g / piece) 85 kcal
Tofu skin 1 (10 g / share) 51 kcal
Bean curd residue 1 bag (50g / bag) 45 kcal
Box filled tofu 1 piece (100g / piece) 55 kcal
Baked tofu 1 piece (100g / piece) 88 kcal
1 piece of old tofu (100g / piece) 77 kcal
Tender tofu 1 piece (100g / piece) 58 kcal
Japanese tofu (egg tofu) 1 box (110g / box) 65 kcal
1 tbsp olive oil (13g / tbsp) 120 kcal
High fat fresh cream 1 portion (50g / portion) 217 kcal
Butter 1 tbsp (8g / tbsp) 61 kcal
Butter, 1 / 2 calories, 1 tbsp (8g / tbsp), 36 kcal
Butter · add cream 1 tbsp (10g / tbsp) 65 kcal
Butter · salt free 1 tbsp (8g / tbsp) 61 kcal