Who knows how to find the gradient of a vector? A vector (SiNx + y, 5x + 2Z, x + y) is known to find the gradient of each component

Who knows how to find the gradient of a vector? A vector (SiNx + y, 5x + 2Z, x + y) is known to find the gradient of each component

Gradient is the concept of multivariate function, vector itself does not have the concept of gradient
As for each component, since it is a function of many variables, it can be calculated naturally
Just find the partial differential
For example, SiNx + y, the violation of X is cosx, y is 1, Z is 0, so the gradient is (cosx, 1,0)
5x + 2Z corresponds to (5,0,2)
X + y corresponds to (1,1,0)

What is the horizontal pressure gradient force? The more popular the knowledge points are, the better

Sometimes the pressure on the same horizontal plane in a certain area is not equal, and the change rate of pressure P along a certain direction X on the horizontal plane is called pressure gradient
Horizontal pressure gradient = DP / DX
It can be understood as the rate of change of air pressure per unit length in the horizontal direction. When we know this pressure gradient, we can get the pressure difference in this distance by multiplying the distance in this direction. Under the effect of this pressure difference, the air will flow in a small direction to form a horizontal wind

What is pressure gradient force

The force produced by the pressure difference is called the pressure gradient force
Air pressure is directly proportional to air density. The higher the density is, the higher the air pressure is. As long as there is a difference between high and low air pressure, there will be a force to make the air at high air pressure flow in the direction of low air pressure, just as water flows from high to low. This force caused by the pressure difference is called pressure gradient force. Therefore, the air at high air pressure should flow out from the center, However, in fact, the air flow does not directly flow from the center to the outside or into the center. In the northern hemisphere, the air flow with high pressure rotates outward clockwise; in the southern hemisphere, the air flow with low pressure rotates inward anticlockwise. In the southern hemisphere, the air flow with high pressure spins out anticlockwise, while the air flow with low pressure spins in clockwise