Induction formula of mathematical trigonometric ratio It is known that Tan α and Tan β are the two real roots of the equation x2-5x + 6 = 0. The value of 2sin2 (α + β) - 3sin (α + β) × cos (α + β) + Cos2 (α + β) can be obtained

Induction formula of mathematical trigonometric ratio It is known that Tan α and Tan β are the two real roots of the equation x2-5x + 6 = 0. The value of 2sin2 (α + β) - 3sin (α + β) × cos (α + β) + Cos2 (α + β) can be obtained

Is 2sin2 (α + β) twice the square of sin (α + β)? Tan α + Tan β = 5, Tan α * Tan β = 6, Tan (α + β) = (Tan α + Tan β) / (1-tan α * Tan β) = - 1. [sec (α + β)] ^ 2 = 1 + [Tan (α + β)] ^ 2 = 2, [cos (α + β)] ^ 2 = 1 / [sec (α + β)] ^ 2 = 1 / 2.2 [sin (α + β)] ^ 2-3sin

Some problems of trigonometric induction formula
For example, how to simplify sin (5 π + π / 6), should we ignore the 5 π here

The period of sine function is 2 π
So, sin (5 π + π / 6) = sin (2 × 2 π + π + π / 6) = sin (π + π / 6) = - sin π / 6 = - 1 / 2

Trigonometric ratio of the same angle and induction formula

Induction formula: sin (2k π + a) = sin sin sin (2k π - a) = - Sin Sin Sin (2 π + a) = sin sin sin (2 π - a) = - Sin Sin Sin (π + a) = - Sin Sin Sin (π - a) = sin sin (- a) = - Sin Sin Sin (π / 2 + a) = cos sin (π / 2-A) = cos ACOS (2k π + a) = cos ACOS (2k π - a) = - cos ACOS (2 π +

What does ^ mean in this formula

The marking method of "power" on the computer, that is, the N-1 power of K

Please give a formula to calculate the volume of a pyramid, such as a pyramid shaped object

Volume formula of pyramid
Let H be the height of a pyramid and s be the area of its base
Ask me if you don't understand

To prove the cone volume formula,

I'm sorry to say... It's impossible to deduce the cone volume formula strictly with high school knowledge. In fact, there's no need to understand the proof of this. Besides knowing more knowledge and having fun, it's a brain consuming thing. The strict derivation of this formula needs to be applied to the definite integral of higher mathematics, which requires considerable knowledge

Volume formula of square cone

&All the same

How to calculate the volume of positive four cone? (formula)

Bottom area multiplied by height multiplied by one third

What does C stand for in the side area of a straight prism s = C * H

C is the perimeter of the bottom surface

Area and volume formula of various space geometry
Such as the title
Such as vertebral body, cylinder, cone, ball and so on

Calculation formula of surface area volume of geometry
1. Cylinder:
Surface area: 2 π R + 2 π RH volume: π R & sup2; H
2. Cone:
Surface area: π R & sup2; + π R [(H & sup2; + R & sup2;) square root] volume: π R & sup2; H / 3,
3. Cube
A - side length, s = 6A & sup2;, v = A & sup3;
4. Cuboid
A-length, b-width, c-height s = 2 (AB + AC + BC) v = ABC
5. Prism
S - bottom area H - height v = sh
6. Pyramid
S - bottom area H - height v = SH / 3
7. Pyramid
S1 and S2 - upper and lower bottom area H - height v = h [S1 + S2 + (S1S2) ^ 1 / 2] / 3
8. Pseudocylinder
S1 - area of the upper bottom, S2 - area of the lower bottom, S0 - area of the middle section
H-high, v = H (S1 + S2 + 4s0) / 6
9. Cylinder
R-base radius, h-height, C-base perimeter
S bottom area, s side area, s surface area C = 2 π R
S base = π R & sup2;, s side = ch, s table = ch + 2S base, v = s base, H = π R & sup2; H
10. Hollow cylinder
R-radius of outer circle, r-radius of inner circle, h-height, v = π H (R ^ 2-r ^ 2)
11. Straight cone
R-base radius h-height v = π R ^ 2H / 3
12. Round table
R-upper bottom radius, r-lower bottom radius, h-height, v = π H (R & sup2; + RR + R & sup2;) / 3
13. Ball
R-radius d-diameter v = 4 / 3 π R ^ 3 = π d ^ 3 / 6
14. Ball missing
H-height of ball, r-radius of ball, a-bottom radius of ball, v = π H (3a & sup2; + H & sup2;) / 6 = π H & sup2; (3r-h) / 3
15. Table
R1 and R2 - upper and lower bottom radius h-height v = π h [3 (R1 & sup2; + R2 & sup2;) + H & sup2;] / 6
16. Torus
R-ring radius D-ring diameter r-ring section radius D-ring section diameter
V=2π2Rr² =π2Dd²/4
17. Barrel body
D - barrel belly diameter D - barrel bottom diameter H - barrel height
V = π H (2D & sup2; + D & sup2;) / 12
V = π H (2D & sup2; + DD + 3D & sup2 / 4) / 15 (the generatrix is parabolic)