The Quasilinear equation of parabola x2 + 4Y = 0 is______ .

The Quasilinear equation of parabola x2 + 4Y = 0 is______ .

If the standard equation x2 = - 4Y is transformed into a parabola, then 2p = 4, P = 2 is obtained, and the focus is on the Y axis, so y = P2 = 1, that is, the Quasilinear equation is y = 1

(1) Given a straight line: l: y = 2x-16, parabola C: y = ax (a > 0), when the focus of parabola C is on the straight line L, the equation (2) of determining parabola C is if

Obviously the focus is on the x-axis
Then (8,0)
That is, a / 4 = 8
So y = 32x

Find the focus coordinates and quasilinear equation (1) x & sup2; = 2Y (2) 4x & sup2; + 3Y = 0 (3) 2Y & sup2; + x = 0 (4) y & sup2; - BX of the following parabola=

(1) X & sup2; = 2Y focal coordinate (0,1 / 2) quasilinear equation y = - 1 / 2 (2) 4x & sup2; + 3Y = 0 x ^ 2 = - 3 / 4Y focal coordinate (0, - 3 / 16) quasilinear equation y = 3 / 16 (3) 2Y & sup2; + x = 0 y ^ 2 = - 1 / 2x focal coordinate (- 1 / 8,0) quasilinear equation x = 1 / 8 (4) y & sup2; - BX = 0 y ^ 2 = BX focal coordinate (...)

It is known that the radii R and R of the two circles are two of the equations x2-5x + 6 = 0 respectively, and the center distance of the two circles is d,
1. If d = 6, judge the position relationship of two circles
2. If d = 4
3.d=1/2 .

If R and R, x2-5x + 6 = 0 and (X-2) * (x-3) = 0 are obtained by cross multiplication, then r = 3R and R = 2, because when the radius sum = 3 + 2 = 5 and the center distance = 6, the two circles are separated, d = 4 intersect, D = 1 / 2, and the small circle is in the big circle. If you don't understand, please ask me

It is known that the radii of two circles are the two roots of the equation 4x & # 178; - 20x + 21 = 0, and the center distance of the two circles is d. if the two circles are tangent, find the value of D

The radii of two circles are the two roots of the equation 4x & # 178; - 20x + 21 = 0
The radii of the two circles are 3.5 and 1.5 respectively
Two circles are tangent
Circumscribed d = 1.5 + 3.5 = 5
Inscribed d = 3.5-1.5 = 2

Given that the radii of two circles are two real roots of the equation x2-7x + 12 = 0, and the distance between the centers of the circles is 8, then the positional relationship between the two circles is ()
A. Inscribed B. intersected C. circumscribed D. circumscribed

∵ equation x2-7x + 12 = 0, ∵ can be transformed into (x-3) (x-4) = 0, the solution is X1 = 3, X2 = 4. ∵ sum of radius of two circles is 7, difference of radius of two circles is 1; ∵ center distance d = 8, ∵ sum of radius of two circles is 7; ∵ two circles are separated

The radii of ⊙ O1 and ⊙ O2 are 3cm and 4cm respectively
⊙ O1 ⊙ o2l two points coincide

1, ⊙ O1 ⊙ O2 = 8 > R1 + R2 = 7, ⊙ O1 is separated from ⊙ O2;
2, ⊙ O1 ⊙ O2 = 7 = R1 + R2 = 7, ⊙ O1 intersects with ⊙ O2, and there is only one intersection (circumscribed);

The radius of circle O1 and circle O2 are 3cm4cm respectively. Suppose O1O2 = 8cm, what is the position relationship of circle O1 and circle O2?

O1O2 = 8cm > 3cm+4cm
The distance between the centers of two circles is greater than the sum of the radii of the two circles, so the positions of the two circles are separated

If the diameter of the two circles is 4 and 6 respectively, and the center distance is 2, the position relationship of the two circles is ()
A. Outward B. intersect C. circumscribe D. inscribe

∵ the diameters of the two circles are 4 and 6, the radii of the two circles are 2 and 3, the center distance of the two circles is 2, 3-2 < 2 < 3 + 2, and the position relationship of the two circles is intersection

If the radii of the two circles are 4 and 6 respectively, and the distance between the centers of the two circles is 10, the position relationship of the two circles is

Circumscribed two circles d = R + R