Given that a is a root of the equation x ^ 2-2007x + 1 = 0, find a ^ 2-2006a + 2007 / A ^ 2 + 1

Given that a is a root of the equation x ^ 2-2007x + 1 = 0, find a ^ 2-2006a + 2007 / A ^ 2 + 1

Then there is a & sup2; - 2006a = A-1
So the original formula = A-1 + 2007 / 2007a

Given that a root of the equation x is a, what is the value of 2 / 2 of a + a

Because a is a root of the equation, satisfying the equation a ^ 2-5A + 2 = 0, a ^ 2 + 2 = 5a, a + 2 / a = (a ^ 2 + 2) / a = 5A / a = 5

(xsquare + 5x + 3) square-2 (xsquare + 5x + 3) (xsquare + 5x-2) + (xsquare + 5x-2) square

Let a = x + 5x + 3, B = x + 5x-2, then the original formula becomes
A-2ab + B = (a-b) x = [(x + 5x + 3) - (x + 5x-2)] x = [3 + 2] x = 25

How to solve the problem that the square of 20 + x = 5x?

No solution
Change 20 + x ^ 2 = 5x to general formula
We get x ^ 2-5x + 20 = 0

If the radii of the two circles are 5cm and 7cm respectively, and the center distance is 8cm, then the position relationship of the two circles is ()
A. Inscribed B. intersected C. circumscribed D. detached

Because 7-5 = 2, 7 + 5 = 12, the center distance is 8cm, so 2 < d < 12, according to the intersection of the two circles, the length of the center distance is between the difference and sum of the radius of the two circles, so the two circles intersect

The radii of O1 and O2 are 2cm and 4cm respectively. When the distance between the center of the two circles O1O2 is the following value, the position relationship of the two circles should be stated respectively

(1) (2) inscribed, (3) intersected, (4) circumscribed, (5) separated, (6) concentric

It is known that the radii of circle O1 and circle O2 are not equal, and the radius of circle O1 is 3. If point a on circle O2 satisfies AO1 = 3, then the positional relationship between circle O1 and circle O2 is ()
A. Intersection or tangency B. tangency or separation C. intersection or inclusion D. tangency or inclusion

When two circles are circumscribed, the tangent point a can satisfy AO1 = 3. When two circles intersect, the intersection point a can satisfy AO1 = 3. When two circles are inscribed, the tangent point a can satisfy AO1 = 3. Therefore, two circles intersect or are tangent

(Hulunbuir, 2011) ⊙ the radius of O1 is 2cm, ⊙ the radius of O2 is 5cm, and the center distance of the circle is 4cm, then the position relationship between the two circles is ()
A. Intersect B. circumscribe C. circumscribe D. inscribe

According to the meaning of the title, the distance between the center of the circle P = 4, R + r = 5 + 2 = 7, R-R = 5-2 = 3 ﹤ R-R < p < R + R, ﹤ the positional relationship between the two circles is intersecting

If a quadratic equation of one variable has no real roots, does the equation have roots

It depends on the situation. If you have taught imaginary numbers, you will have roots. If you have not, write "no real number roots."
After learning imaginary numbers, solving equations can not be limited to real numbers

If x ^ 2 + MX + n = 0 has two real roots, one of them is 0 and the other is not
Can you find m and n that satisfy the meaning of the question

Then 0 + 0 + n = 0
The other follows x = - M ≠ 0
So m ≠ 0
So as long as m ≠ 0 and N = 0
For example, M = 2, n = 0