The number of a and B is 3:2. The number of a is 60. What is the number of a?

The number of a and B is 3:2. The number of a is 60. What is the number of a?

A: the number a is 90

There is an interesting mathematical problem in ancient China, "well is 10 meters deep, a snail climbs up from the bottom of the well, climbs up 2 meters during the day, and slides down 1 meter at night. How many days can a little snail climb out of the deep well"?

According to the meaning of the question, the snail climbs 2 + (- 1) = 1 meter a day; the snail can climb out of the well on the last day, and before that, it has to climb 10-2 = 8 meters; so the snail has to climb 8 days first, plus the last day, a total of 9 days. A: the snail can climb out of the deep well in 9 days

When a bridge is built in a certain place, the piers at both ends have been built, and the distance between the two piers is m meters. The remaining works only need to build the bridge deck and piers between the piers at both ends. According to the prediction, the engineering cost of a pier is 2.56 million yuan, and the engineering cost of the bridge deck between two adjacent piers with a distance of X meters is (2 + x) 10000 yuan. Assuming that the piers are equidistant, all piers are regarded as points, and other factors are not considered The cost of the remaining project is y ten thousand yuan. (I) try to write the functional relation of Y with respect to X; (II) when m = 640 meters, how many piers need to be built to minimize y?

When m = 640m, y = f (x) = 640 × (256x + x) + 1024f ′ (x) = 640 × (- 256x2 + 12x) = 640 × X32 − 292x2 ∵ f ′ (26)

In order to protect the environment and develop low-carbon economy, a unit, with the support of the national scientific research department, has carried out technological research and adopted a new process to convert carbon dioxide into a usable chemical product. It is known that the unit's monthly processing capacity is at least 400 tons and at most 600 tons. The functional relationship between the monthly processing cost y (yuan) and the monthly processing capacity x (tons) can be approximately expressed as The results show that: y = 12x2 − 200X + 80000, and the value of available chemical products per ton of carbon dioxide is 100 yuan. (1) how many tons of carbon dioxide per month can the average treatment cost per ton be the lowest? (2) Can the unit make a profit every month? If profit is made, the maximum profit can be obtained; if not, how many yuan does the state need to subsidize at least to keep the unit from losing money?

(1) The average treatment cost per ton of carbon dioxide is: YX = 12x + 80000 x − 200 (4 points) ≥ 212x · 80000 x − 200 = 200. If and only if 12x = 80000 x, that is, x = 400, the average treatment cost per ton is the lowest, and the lowest cost is 200 yuan. (8 points) (2) suppose the monthly profit of the unit is s, then s = 100x-y (10 points) = 100x − (12x2 − 200X + 80000) = − 12x2 + 300X − 80000 = − 12 (x − 300) 2 − 35000. Because 400 ≤ x ≤ 600, when x = 400, s has a maximum value of - 40000

If the equation X4 + AX3 + AX2 + ax + 1 = 0 about X has real roots, then the value range of real number a is______ .

The equation of X is the equation X4 + AX3 + AX3 + AX2 + AX2 + ax + 1 = 0, there is a real number root x ≠ 0, two sides divided by x2, we get x2 + 1x2 + a (x + 1 x) + a = 0, (1) let y = x + 1 x, (1) let y = x = x + 1, then |||| + + 1 + 2 + ay + a = 0, there is a root to separate variables, we separate variables, we get a = 2 {2 − Y2Y 2Y + 2Y + 2Y + 1 = 1y + 1y + 1y + 1y + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1-y, in Y ≥ 2, in Y ≥ 2, or Y \\\\\\\\\\thevalue range of real number a is (− ∞, − 23] ∪ [2, + ∞). So the answer is: (− ∞, − 23] ∪ [2, + ∞)

The result of calculating and simplifying formula (2x / y) &# 178; × (Y & # 178; 4x) - (x / y) / (2Y / X & # 178;) is?

(2x / y) &# 178; × (Y & # 178; 4x) - (x / y) / (2Y / X & # 178;)

It is known that the difference between bungalow + ax-y + B and B * (the square of x) - 3x + 6y-3 of polynomial X has nothing to do with the value of letter X. how can we get the value of a B of algebraic formula 3 (the square of a - the square of 2ab-b) - (the square of 4A + AB + b)

In this paper, we want to find the X-ray (x-y-178, + ax-y + B - (BX \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\{ 178;) = (3a & { 178; - 4A & { 178;)

Given that the difference between the square of polynomial x + ax-y + B and the square of B multiplied by x-3x + 6y-3 has nothing to do with the value of letter X, we can find the value of 3 (the square of a-2ab-b) - (the square of 4A + AB + b)

(x ^ 2 + ax-y + b) - (BX ^ 2-3x + 6y-3) = (1-B) x ^ 2 + (a + 3) x-7y + (B + 3). Since the values are independent of X, the coefficients of X are all 0, i.e. 1-B = 0, a + 3 = 0. The solution is a = - 3, B = 1, so 3 (a ^ 2-2ab-b ^ 2) - (4a ^ 2 + AB + B ^ 2) = - A ^ 2-7ab-4b ^ 2 = - (- 3) ^ 2-7 * (- 3) * 1

Find the value of X (1) x & # 179; = 0.008 (2) x & # 179; - 3 = 3 / 8 (3) (x-1) &# 179; = 64

x³=3/8 +3

Find the value of X in the following formulas: (1) x & # 179; = 0.008 (2) x & # 179; - 3 = 3 / 8 (3) (x-1) &# 179; = 64
I help all mankind, answer first, win first!
