It is known that the chord length of a circle is 3.8 meters, and the corresponding arc length is 5.5 meters

It is known that the chord length of a circle is 3.8 meters, and the corresponding arc length is 5.5 meters

It is known that the chord length of a circle is L = 3.8 meters, and the corresponding arc length is C = 5.5 meters?
The radius of the circle r = 1.918m

Given the chord length of a circle 229.5m, 5m, find the arc length

Given the chord length L = 229.5m and arch height h = 20.5M of a circle, find the arc length C?
The radius of arc is r, and the center angle of arc is a
A=2*ARC SIN((L/2)/R)
=2*ARC SIN((229.5/2)/331.41)
=516 degrees
=70714 radians
C = R * a = 331.41 * 0.70714 = 234.352m

There is a triangle whose area is exactly equal to that of a circle with a diameter of 1 meter. It is known that the bottom of the triangle is 15.7 meters, and how high is the triangle?

1 m △ 2 = 0.5 m, 3.14 × 0.52 = 0.785 (M2), 0.785 × 2 △ 15.7 = 0.1 (m); answer: the height of triangle is 0.1 M