As shown in the picture, there is a triangular open space with three sides of 20m, 30m and 40m respectively. Now we need to divide it into three parts with an area ratio of 2:3:4 to plant different flowers. Please design a plan and explain your reasons

As shown in the picture, there is a triangular open space with three sides of 20m, 30m and 40m respectively. Now we need to divide it into three parts with an area ratio of 2:3:4 to plant different flowers. Please design a plan and explain your reasons

Scheme: as shown in the figure, make angular bisectors of ∠ C and ∠ B respectively, which intersect at point P and connect Pa. then the area ratio of △ PAB, △ PAC and △ PBC is 2:3:4. Reason: make PE ⊥ AB at point E, PF ⊥ AC at point F, pH ⊥ BC at point h through point P. because point P is the point of angular bisector of ∠ C and ∠ B