The difference between the two right sides of a right triangle is 3cm, and the area is 9cm ^ 2. Find the length of the longer right side

The difference between the two right sides of a right triangle is 3cm, and the area is 9cm ^ 2. Find the length of the longer right side

Let the length of the shorter right angle side be x cm, and the length of the longer right angle side be (x + 3) cm. According to the area formula of the triangle, it is obtained that
Two groups of x = 3 or x = - 6 are obtained (the solution does not exist)
So x = 3, x + 3 = 6
So the side length of the longer right angle is 6cm

The area of a right triangle is 96cm, and the sum of its two right sides is 28cm

Let the length of one right angle side be x cm, then the length of the other right angle side is 28-x cm, X (28-x) / 2 = 96x & # 178; - 28x + 192 = 0 (X-12) (x-16) = 0 x = 12 or x = 16. When x = 12, the length of the other right angle side is 28-12 = 16 (CM). When x = 16, the length of the other right angle side is 28-16 = 12 (CM)