Finding the range of function f (x) = x3-5x2 + 8x-4 on [0,3]

Finding the range of function f (x) = x3-5x2 + 8x-4 on [0,3]

First, the derivative f '(x) = 3x2-10x + 8,
If f '(x) = 0, then x = 4 / 3 or x = 2,
When X2, f '(x) > 0, f (x) increases;
When 4 / 3

X + 1 / x = 3 find 2x3-5x2-3 + 3 / x2 + 1

The most direct way is to solve X and then substitute it into the original formula

∫3^x dx=

C + 3^x/(ln3)
Very basic integral, directly set the formula to get the result