If the distance from the line L to the line x-2y + 4 = 0 is equal to the distance from the origin to the line L, then the equation of the line L is ﹣ U

If the distance from the line L to the line x-2y + 4 = 0 is equal to the distance from the origin to the line L, then the equation of the line L is ﹣ U

The formula of distance from point (x0, Y0) to line ax + by + C = 0: ax0 + by0 + C / (√ (A & # 178; + B & # 178;)) let L: ax + by + C = 0, so the distance from origin to line L is equal to C / (√ (A & # 178; + B & # 178;)) obviously L is parallel to line x-2y + 4 = 0, otherwise there is no line L to line

What is the distance from the origin to the line x-2y-5 = 0

The distance formula from point P (x0, Y0) to line ax + by + C = 0 is as follows:
D = [absolute value of ax0 + by0 + C] / [(arithmetic square root of a ^ 2 + B ^ 2)]
Substituting the above value into the distance from P (0,0) to x-2y-5 = 0, d = - 5 / radical (1 + 4) = radical 5

The distance from the origin to the line x + 2y-5 = 0 is___ .

Analysis: according to the distance formula from point to line, d = | - 5| - 12 + 22 = 5