Mother bought 3 pots of roses and 2 pots of Mimosa, which cost 27 yuan in total. A pot of roses is 6.5 yuan more expensive than a pot of Mimosa. How much are each pot of roses and Mimosa?

Mother bought 3 pots of roses and 2 pots of Mimosa, which cost 27 yuan in total. A pot of roses is 6.5 yuan more expensive than a pot of Mimosa. How much are each pot of roses and Mimosa?

(27 + 6.5 × 2), = 40 △ 5, = 8 (yuan); 8-6.5 = 1.5 (yuan); a: the unit price of each pot of rose is 8 yuan, and that of a pot of Mimosa is 1.5 yuan

1+2/1+1+2+3/1+… 1+2+3+… 100 / 1 is equal to?

The format of the original question is wrong
=2/(2x3)+2/(3x4)+…… +2/(100x101)
=2x(1/2-1/3+1/3-1/4+…… +1/100-1/101)

What is 1 + 1 + (1 / 1 + 2) + (1 / 1 + 2 + 3) + (1 / 1 + 2 + 3. + 100)

First of all, the denominator can be obtained by using the formula of summation of equal difference, which is (2 + n) * n / 2. Then each term is 2 / (1 + n) * n. this term can be written as 2 / N - 2 / (1 + n). If each term is separated, only the first term and the last term are left, and the result is 2-2 / 101 = 200 / 101
Let an = 1 / (1 + 2 +...) +n) , n is a positive integer
1 + 2 + +n=n*(n+1)/2
So, an = 1 / (1 + 2 +) +n)= 2/ n*(n+1)=2*(1/n-1/(n+1))
1+1/(1+2)+ 1/(1+2+3) +… +1/(1+2+… +100)
= a1 +a2 +… +a100
=2*(1/1-1/(1+1))+2*(1/2-1/(2+1))+… +2*(1/100-1/(100+1))
=2*(1-1/2+1/2-1/3+… +1/100-1/101)