What are the functional units in a computer for arithmetic and logic operations A. Hard disk drive B. Arithmetic unit C. Controller D.RAM

What are the functional units in a computer for arithmetic and logic operations A. Hard disk drive B. Arithmetic unit C. Controller D.RAM

A: A hard disk drive is used to store information and belongs to an external device
B: The arithmetic unit is used for arithmetic and logic operations
C: The controller is used to control the work of related components in CPU, including control arithmetic unit
D: Ram is random machine memory, to put it bluntly, memory module, mainly used to store temporary data
So the answer is B

Because the arithmetic operation instruction is completed in ALU, the arithmetic operation instruction has influence on the content of flag register
Why are arithmetic operations instructions completed in ALU, and then it affects the content of flag register? Is flag register in Alu?

After the operation is completed in ALU, the results are sent to a register, a register and a flag register respectively
Then, that is to say: arithmetic operations class instructions, the content of the flag register, have an impact

What is arithmetic operation? What is relational operation? What is logical operation?

1. Arithmetic operation: it is used for all kinds of numerical operations, including addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), remainder (or modular operation,%), self increase (+ +), self decrease (- -)
2. Relational operations: used for comparison operations, including greater than (>), less than (=), less than or equal to (> =),

In a microcomputer, the basic function of an arithmetic unit is______ . A. carry out arithmetic and logic operations. B. store various control information. C. control all parts of the computer

Choose a
The function of arithmetic unit is to complete arithmetic operation and logic operation
The arithmetic operation of computer is relatively advanced, in fact, there is only one addition operation, and subtraction is carried out by taking the inverse; when calculating multiplication, shift operation is used, shift to the right, division rule is shift to the left, and logic operation mainly includes (and, or, no, exclusive or, etc.), so as to complete the switching between levels (0 low level, 1 high level), send out control signals, and coordinate the work of computer

What are the types of logical order
Be careful,

From phenomenon to essence
From character to use
From cause to effect
From the whole to the part
From primary to secondary
From concrete to general
From individual to general

What is the logic value "true" and "false" in C language?

The logical value "true" in C language is represented by, not 0
Logical false, denoted by 0

If a is a numeric type, why is the value of the logical expression (a = = 1) | (a! = 1): 1

If a is a numerical value, there are two cases,
In the first case, a is equal to 1;
The second case: A is not equal to 1
Now let's look at the "(a = = 1)" expression: for the first case: true, for the second case: false
Next, let's look at the expression "(a! = 1)", for the first case: false, for the second case: true
So in any case, (a = = 1) | (a! = 1) is equivalent to true | | false
The result, of course, is true

Which two types of data structures can be logically classified?

The logical structure of data can be divided into two categories: linear structure and nonlinear structure. There are four storage methods for data: sequential storage method, link storage method, index storage method and hash storage method

If a is a numeric type, the value of the logical expression (a = = 1) | (a! = 1) is: and why

The result of (a = = 1) | (a! = 1) is 1
Because this is a logical value
1. If a = 1, then the result of (a = = 1) is 1, and the result of (a! = 1) is 0, then the sum or 1 | 0 of the two is 1
2. If a is not equal to 1, then the result of (a = = 1) is 0, and the result of (a! = 1) is 1, then the sum of the two or 1 | 0 is 1

What's wrong with this sentence?
Stephen Chow's movie can't be finished in one day; the journey to the west is Stephen Chow's movie; therefore, the journey to the west can't be finished in one day. What's the logic mistake of this sentence? Is it the improper circulation of the middle term?

Stephen Chow's movie is not a journey to the West
In the same thinking process, every thought must keep the same with itself, which is the requirement of identity,
A stands for a concept or proposition. A concept can reflect whatever object it reflects. In the same language environment, it can not reflect this kind of pair
The logical error, which is caused by the conscious violation of the requirement of identity in concept, is logically called "substitution of concept"
It is characterized by deliberately not knowing the meaning of a certain concept, and then inserting a new meaning into the concept,
The two "ones" have very different connotations. The "one" of "buy one" is what you want to buy, such as
It would be naive for you to understand a suit as "one for free". This "one" may be a tie
Or a beautiful bag, never a suit
In terms of the use of concepts, some people do not understand the exact meaning of a certain concept, and even change the concept when they use it later
This kind of mistake is called "confusing concept"
Identity also requires that in the same thinking process, a proposition affirms what it affirms and negates what it negates
It has definite meaning of "true" and "false". We call the logic error which violates the identity unconsciously as "transfer thesis"
In a speech or discourse, the problem to be explained or demonstrated is unconsciously turned into another problem. For example, when children speak, the foreword does not match the postscript
The logical error in the proposition that consciously violates the requirement of identity is called "stealthily changing the thesis"
For example, in the Qing Dynasty, when a scholar was sitting on a high platform, the wind was strong,
When the wind blows, the pages of the book are turning, and the scholar chants two poems: "Qingfeng is illiterate, why do you turn the book around?" people with ulterior motives deliberately distort "Qing"
The meaning of the word falsely accuses the scholar of satirizing the lack of culture in the Qing Dynasty and committing the crime of great disrespect