As shown in the figure, it represents the change image of an alternating current with time, where the positive value of the current is the positive half cycle of the sine curve?

As shown in the figure, it represents the change image of an alternating current with time, where the positive value of the current is the positive half cycle of the sine curve?

The time of a cycle is 0.2S. Let the effective value be x and the resistance be r, that is, the heat generated by the effective value in a cycle T is equal to the heat generated by the alternating current in 1 / 2 cycle T and the heat generated by the direct current in 1 / 2 cycle t. the square * r * (T / 2) of the equation x * x * r * t = 10 * 10 * r * (T / 2) + (10 / radical 2) can be listed to calculate the value of X, which is 5 radical 3

Relationship between RMS and max of alternating current
Because the waveform is different, there are many relationships
Some are twice the root, some are twice the root
How are these calculations obtained?

Look at the waveform. At present, only sine wave can be calculated, triangle wave is difficult to calculate the effective current. The effective value of the completed sine wave current is the reciprocal of the root 2 of the maximum value. If there is only half a waveform in a cycle, it is 1 / 2

How many peaks does the sinusoidal current appear in a week? How many peaks does the alternating current appear in a second?

In China, the alternating current is 50 Hz with a period of 20 ms. there are 50 cycles in 1 second, and each cycle has two peaks, one positive and one negative, with a total of 100 peaks