If AB is reciprocal, what is a ^ 2010 divided by (- 1 / b) ^ 2009?

If AB is reciprocal, what is a ^ 2010 divided by (- 1 / b) ^ 2009?

∵ A and B are reciprocal
That is - 1 △ B = - A
The original formula = a ^ 2010 ÷ (- a) ^ 2009

The reciprocal of () is greater than or equal to 1

The reciprocal of (a number not greater than 1) is greater than or equal to 1

The sum of a number and its reciprocal must be greater than or equal to 2?
Is that right? How can we prove that numbers hold no matter positive or negative, integers or fractions?

For positive numbers, let x > 0 - > x + 1 / x > = 2 (x * 1 / x) = 2
When x = 1 / x, the principle of equal sign is x ^ 2 + 1 / x ^ 2 - 2 > = 0
For negative numbers x + 1 / X

A when______ The reciprocal of a must be greater than a______ The reciprocal of a must be less than a______ The reciprocal of a must be equal to a

The analysis shows that when a < 1, the reciprocal of a must be greater than A. when a > 1, the reciprocal of a must be less than A. when a = 1, the reciprocal of a must be equal to A. so the answer is: < 1; > 1; = 1

If three points a (2,2), B (a, 0), C (0, b) (AB ≠ 0) are collinear, then the value of 1A + 1b is equal to______

AB = (A-2, - 2), AC = (- 2, b-2), according to the meaning of the question, ab ‖ AC has (A-2) · (b-2) - 4 = 0, that is ab-2a-2b = 0, so 1A + 1b = 12, so the answer is 12

If three points a (2,2) B (a, 0) C (0, b) (AB ≠ 0) are collinear, what is the value of a + B?

So 1 / A + 1 / b = (a + b) / AB = 1 / 2

If a belongs to N, a (a, 0), B (0, a + 4) and C (1,3) are collinear, then the value of a is obtained

A + 4 divided by 0-A is 3 - (a + 4) divided by 1
Calculate a square = 4
Because a belongs to n
So a = 2

If a belongs to N, and three points a (a, O), B (O, a + 4) and C (1,3) are collinear, find the value of a (with detailed problem-solving process)

A + 4 divided by 0-A is 3 - (a + 4) divided by 1
Calculate a square = 4
Because a belongs to n
So a = 2

How many of the 100 natural numbers 1-100 contain the number 1

Of the 100 natural numbers 1-100, 20 contain the number 1

How many natural numbers are composed of numbers 0, 1, 2 and 3 without repeating numbers?

Four digits
The total is 4, but the thousand can't be 0
There are a44-a33 = 24-6 = 18
In the same way
The three digits are a43-a32 = 24-6 = 18
The two digits are a42-a31 = 12-3 = 9
One digit is four
So there are 49