A = 2000 square + 2000 square × 2001 square + 2011 SQUARE

A = 2000 square + 2000 square × 2001 square + 2011 SQUARE

A = 2000 square + 2000 square × 2001 square + 2011 SQUARE = 2000 square + 2011 SQUARE - 2 × 2000 × 2001 + 2 × 2000 × 2001 + 2000 square × 2001 square + 1-1 = (2001-2000) square + (2000 × 2001 + 1) square - 1 = 1 + (2000 × 2001 + 1) square - 1 = (2000 × 2001 + 1) square = (4002001) square

Which number is the square of 2011


A positive integer plus 132 and 231 is a complete square number, find this number

This problem focuses on the square difference formula
Let this number be X
X + 231 = n & # 178; - - - (2) where M