The smallest natural number with 10 divisors I can't work out this question. I hope that person will answer it cleverly~

The smallest natural number with 10 divisors I can't work out this question. I hope that person will answer it cleverly~

Every divisor of a number has one and itself. After the two divisors are removed, there are eight divisors
This number is equal to the product of the remaining eight numbers. If we want to minimize it, then these eight numbers can only be 2, so this natural number is octave of 2

Write natural numbers from 360 to 630 with odd divisors

If a is a divisor of natural number n, then Na is also a divisor of N. therefore, the divisor A and Na of N can be matched. Only when n = A2, a and Na will be equal. Therefore, when n is not a square number, its divisor is matched in pairs, so that the number of divisors is even. When n is a square number A2, its divisor a can only pair with itself, so the number of divisors of n is odd. Between 360 and 630 There are seven square numbers (192 = 361 > 360.252 = 625 < 630, 25-19 + 1 = 7), so the divisors of seven numbers are odd, they are 361400441484529576 and 625

Write all natural numbers from 360 to 630 with odd factors

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