The sum of the two numbers is 50, and their greatest common factor is 5. What are the two numbers?

The sum of the two numbers is 50, and their greatest common factor is 5. What are the two numbers?

The sum of the two numbers is 50, and their greatest common factor is 5. These two numbers may be 5 and 45, or 15 and 35. A: these two numbers are 5 and 45 or 15 and 35

If the sum of two natural numbers is 50 and their greatest common divisor is 5, what is the difference between the two numbers?

Difference = 5 × 9-5 = 40
Difference = 5 × 7-5 × 3 = 20

It is known that the difference between the product and sum of two natural numbers is exactly equal to the sum of their greatest common divisor and least common multiple

Let these two positive integers be Ma, Na (where m, N, a are all positive integers, and m, n are coprime), so Ma · Na - (MA + Na) = MNA + A, so MNA = Mn + 1 + m + N, so a = (M + 1) (n + 1) / (MN), (1) when one of M, n is 1, let m = 1, so a = 2 (n + 1) / N, because n is unequal