Great Xia, help me. The difference between the two natural numbers is 5. The difference between their least common multiple and the greatest common divisor is 203. What are the two numbers

Great Xia, help me. The difference between the two natural numbers is 5. The difference between their least common multiple and the greatest common divisor is 203. What are the two numbers

Let one number be x and the other x + 5, then there are two cases
1. Two numbers have the common divisor 5;
2. The two numbers are coprime;
If two numbers have a common divisor 5, obviously their least common multiple is also a multiple of 5, the difference between the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor must be a multiple of 5, obviously 203 is not a multiple of 5, so the first case does not conform, then the two numbers are mutually prime;
The greatest common divisor of two coprime numbers is 1, so the least common multiple of these two numbers is 203 + 1 = 204
Because the two numbers are coprime, the least common multiple of the two numbers is their product, so the multiplication of the two numbers is 202, and 202 is decomposed into prime factor
So these two numbers are 12 and 17, respectively