The equations solve the following problems and list the quantitative relationships (1) The carrying capacity of a car is 7.5 tons. How many times does it take to transport a batch of goods weighing 60 tons? (2) it is known that the circumference of a square is 6.8 decimeters, and its side length can be calculated. (3) a maglev train can travel 315 kilometers per hour, and its speed is 3.5 times that of an ordinary train. How many kilometers can an ordinary train travel per hour?

The equations solve the following problems and list the quantitative relationships (1) The carrying capacity of a car is 7.5 tons. How many times does it take to transport a batch of goods weighing 60 tons? (2) it is known that the circumference of a square is 6.8 decimeters, and its side length can be calculated. (3) a maglev train can travel 315 kilometers per hour, and its speed is 3.5 times that of an ordinary train. How many kilometers can an ordinary train travel per hour?

1. Vehicle load * times = 60 tons
Suppose to run x times
A: eight times
2. Side length of the square * 4 = perimeter of the square
Let the side length of a square be x decimeters
A: the side length is 1.7 decimeters
3. Speed of ordinary train * 3.5 = speed of maglev train (315 km / h)
Let the speed of ordinary train be x km
A: the speed of an ordinary train is 100 km

According to the quantity relation in the question, list the equation and solve it
1. Schematic diagram: 12 pens, 18 yuan per box
X yuan / piece
2. A kettle x grams
You can pour out four glasses of water, 75 grams each

1. 12x=18
1.5 yuan per piece
Water bottle 300g

According to the number of series of equations, and solve
The cup weighs 200 grams, and the juice weighs x grams
Original price: X Yuan
Discount: 112 yuan
Current price: 988 yuan


A short essay describing the character's character, language, action and manner, more than 300 words

1、 Portrait description
To put it more appropriately, he is a freak. He has a big head, red brown hair standing up, and a huge hunchback between his shoulders, corresponding to the chicken breast bulge in the front. His thighs and legs are twisted and bent, not in a posture. Only his knees can get close to each other. From the front, he looks like two crescent shaped scythes, only the handles are joined together, and his feet are wide, The huge palm, and such a deformed body, but has a difficult to describe the terrible posture: energetic, agile, extraordinary courage
——Hugo's Notre Dame de Paris
[brief analysis] this paper first summarizes that Quasimodo is a strange face, and then depicts an extremely ugly image of Quasimodo in the order from head to trunk to limbs. Through the external image of Quasimodo, the author also has insight into the inner temperament which is difficult to describe: energetic, vigorous and agile, extraordinary courage
2、 Dress description
My heart calmed a little, and I noticed that our teacher was wearing his beautiful green dress, with a ruffled bow tie and a little black silk hat with embroidered edges. He only wore this suit on the day when the inspector came to inspect or award
——Dude's last lesson
[brief analysis] Mr. Hamel put on his beautiful dress to commemorate the last lesson. It was used to show his respect for the country he was about to lose. A few strokes, a suit of clothes and hats, showed the noble patriotic quality of the character
3、 Psychological and linguistic description
(1) Zhu laozhong looked at him and thought, "if you don't go back to your hometown, you'll miss your hometown. You always think that it's better to eat bran and swallow vegetables as long as you go back to your hometown. But when you come back to your hometown, when you see your old friends living a life full of smoke, you feel uncomfortable." he said, "it's better to die in Guandong without seeing, Then he thought, "there are difficulties in Kanto. It's as black as a crow in the world! Go ahead, you can only see the mud on your legs when you come out of the water!" he felt that his shoulders were heavier, and the new and old grudges of his ancestors were pressing on him
(2) Zhu laozhong heard this moment, straight eyes stunned for a moment, said: "don't worry, take your time, I'm here for our poor brother, if not, I won't come back! At present, he is on the horse, we are under the horse, sooner or later, he will get off the horse one day. Only when he comes out of the water can he see the mud on his legs!"
——Red flag spectrum by Liang Bin
[brief analysis] "only when you come out of the water can you see the mud on both legs" is the main character's catchphrase. This catchphrase appears many times in the novel. It seems casual, but in fact it clearly reflects his foresight and tenacity. It is the typical language of typical characters
It is Zhu laozhong's life creed to "cut corners for his friends". Here, "seeing his childhood friends living a life full of smoke, I feel sad" and "I'm here for my poor brother" all show the character's selfless and generous spirit
The words of "eating bran and swallowing vegetables", "the day of smoking heart", "seeing out is clean" and "dismounting" embody the nationality and class character of Zhu laozhong
4、 Expression and action description
Mr. Hamel stood up, pale, and I don't think he had ever been so tall
"My friends," he said, "I-I"
But he choked and couldn't go on
He turned to the blackboard, picked up a piece of chalk and wrote two big words with all his strength
Long live France
Then, he stayed there, his head against the wall, without saying a word, just made a sign to us: "school is over - you go."
——Dude's last lesson
[brief analysis] the verbs "choking", "dumbing", "leaning" and "pale face" vividly express Mr. Hamel's grief and indignation beyond words, thus setting off his noble patriotic sentiment
5、 Profile description
Listening to this interesting conversation, Levin has been appreciating her: her beauty, intelligence, good upbringing, plus good simplicity and sincerity. While listening and talking, she is always thinking about her, her inner life, and trying to guess her mood. However, she, who had criticized her like that before, now defends her with a wonderful reasoning and feels sorry for her, And for fear that fronsky didn't know her very well
…… …… "What a wonderful, lovely, pitiable woman!" she thought as she and Stepan alkach walked into the cold air
——Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina
[brief analysis] Anna is shown one side of herself in front of readers through the eyes and feelings of Levin's direct observers. Different sides accumulate into a three-dimensional and multi angle image. At the same time, these direct observers see different sides from different subjective angles, which are real and which are one-sided. Because the author does not say a word, it leaves readers a wide imagination, It also casts a layer of fog on this image and objectively increases the readability of the characters
6、 Comparative description
Oppenheimer and Deng Jiaxian are respectively the leaders of the US and China in the design of atomic bombs. They are the heroes of the two countries. However, their personalities and manners are quite different - they have even gone to two opposite extremes
Oppenheimer is a top-notch figure. When he was in his twenties, he was a graduate student of Bonn in Gottingen, Germany. In his autobiography in his later years, born said that Oppenheimer, a graduate student, often interrupted others' academic reports (including Bonn's academic reports), went up to the platform, picked up the chalk and said, "this can be done better with the following methods..." When I met Oppenheimer, he was already in his forties. He was well-known to women and children. Interrupting other people's reports and embarrassing speakers still happened from time to time. However, it was less than before. There were many people who admired him and disliked him
Deng Jiaxian, on the other hand, is the least noticeable person. After talking with him for a few minutes, we can see that he is honest and plain. He is honest and never arrogant. He is not careful. He likes the character represented by the word "pure" all his life. Among the intellectuals I know, including Chinese and foreigners, he is the one with the most simple temperament of Chinese farmers
——Deng Jiaxian by Yang Zhenning
[brief analysis] Oppenheimer is the leader and hero of American atomic bomb design, Deng Jiaxian is the leader and hero of Chinese atomic bomb design, which is the contrast; Oppenheimer is sharp, Deng Jiaxian is honest and plain, which is the contrast. All kinds of comparisons show that Deng Jiaxian has the most simple temperament of Chinese farmers, He is the son with the highest spirit of dedication and an ideal member of the Communist Party of China

About 300 words to describe the action and psychology of the characters
To express a kind of emotion, you should write in the first person! Good writing, bonus points! Drive fast!

Today, on Thursday night, my mother held a parents' meeting at school. After finishing my homework, I sat in my seat and looked at the books borrowed from the library. The stories in the books were very wonderful and attractive. As usual, I almost forgot everything and only thought about the pictures in the books. However, today, I am very abnormal, Today, at the parents' meeting, what will Mr. Mao say, say I'm good, or say I'm bad? I can't even read a book because of all the questions in my head. Although I haven't done anything bad in the first half of the semester, I haven't done anything good. It's just plain, calm as water, plain as boiled water, I didn't do well in the exam. I don't know why. I'm not used to it in this school. Maybe it's because of changing school
When I was at home, I didn't concentrate on what I was doing. When my mother left, I paid attention to her mother's look. She didn't have any expression. I began to imagine her mother's expression after the parents' meeting. She was ecstatic and happy after the parents' meeting. She was very surprised to see me. Oh, don't be too proud. I didn't make much progress this semester. Maybe my mother will come back dejected, Completely lost confidence in me, disappointed in me, saw me, only glanced at me, ignored me? The expression after coming back made me unimaginable. I immediately comforted myself that this semester is only average, and I will catch up next time
Ah! Let me wait silently in this room for what my mother did to me when she came back!
The author of this paper is Kong Lingquan, class 6, grade 2010, Jinan experimental junior high school

When writing a composition of 500 words, you should add action, language, manner and psychology

When my friend was in the fourth grade in Guangdong, I had a picky little partner. Her smart and sharp eyes were embedded in her melon shaped face. A cherry mouth under her small and exquisite nose made her very lively and lovely. A high braided ponytail was tied with a unique bow. She was from Sichuan

The scene composition of the new year is 450 words, with detailed description of posture, action, psychology and language

Looking forward! Looking forward, seeing the Spring Festival is coming, I can't help laughing. Before the Spring Festival, people are all happy and energetic. There are a lot of people shopping, some are buying new year pictures, some are buying new year goods, some are sitting in a fire box around the stove watching TV, and some are playing mahjong and poker

What's the sentence in the snake catcher's story about the ferocious officials coming to Chiang's village________ ,__________ .

The fierce officials came to our hometown, shouting from east to west, from north to south
The ferocious officials came to our village and yelled wildly everywhere. They were so fierce that even the chickens and dogs were restless

The snake catcher said: what's the reason for Jiang's unwillingness to pay more for Fu?

The answer is: the misfortune of my service is not so much as the misfortune of my Fu

The snake catcher said that the first sentence of the original and translation is a title of Jiang's great relative