How to write this composition about me and my math? I like math very much, but I'm not very good at math. So I want to write a composition about math

How to write this composition about me and my math? I like math very much, but I'm not very good at math. So I want to write a composition about math

The first paragraph is about the characteristics of mathematics, and the last sentence is about how I feel about mathematics
In the second paragraph, I write about my situation in learning mathematics, my experience in mathematics, and my feeling of wandering in the ocean of mathematics. I can give some examples of mathematical celebrities to show my experience in this aspect
The third paragraph summarizes the relationship between myself and mathematics, my thoughts on mathematics, and my thoughts on Mathematics in the future
I wish you progress in your study!

How to write a math essay

Several specific writing methods of mathematics essay
Through students' observation and discovery of mathematical problems in life, mathematics essay can arouse students' curiosity and thirst for knowledge, and make students realize that mathematics is close to their life, so that they have a cordial feeling for mathematics and stimulate their enthusiasm and interest in learning mathematics. By guiding students to practice the mathematical knowledge in class, students can feel the practicality of mathematics, Improve the effectiveness of mathematics learning; through the exploration of interesting questions and wisdom questions, expand students' horizons, cultivate students' flexibility and profundity of thinking. Now talk about several specific writing methods of mathematics essay
1. The solution of a mathematical problem is mainly a simple or different solution (including multiple solutions to one problem) for students to solve a challenging problem. For example, thinking problems behind books, Mathematical Olympiad problems, wisdom problems assigned by teachers or parents, challenging problems in mathematical journals, and some difficult problems they usually encounter when doing problems, Not only developed thinking, but also experienced a strong sense of achievement, which will be a huge driving force for his future mathematics learning
For example, a student wrote: if each person saves 1 gram of water every day, the country's 1.3 billion people can save 1 300 tons of water every day, which issued the message "everyone saves a drop of water, Another student wrote: if everyone who goes to the bank to save money can donate 10 cents for the "Hope Project" every time, how many poor students can be aided to realize their dream of going to school by the money donated by so many savings points across the country! If students can think about the social significance through mathematical calculation from these angles, its value will far exceed the value of mathematical research itself
3. Mathematical problems in life. It is mainly used to record students' interest and personal experience in life. There are many subjects for writing this kind of mathematical essay. For example, some students wrote about why RMB is only 1 yuan, 2 yuan and 5 yuan, but not 3 yuan, 4 yuan, 6 yuan, 7 yuan, 8 yuan and 9 yuan, A student wrote that there are 24 stairs on each floor of his building, so how many stairs he has to climb from the first floor to the fifth floor. These are very common things that he has to experience every day in his life. But once students observe and think about these seemingly ordinary life problems from the perspective of mathematics, they set up a bridge between mathematics and life, and can feel that mathematics is everywhere in life
4. Mathematics problems in class. It mainly refers to students' own thinking and discovery in the process of mathematics learning in class. This is very helpful for students' mathematics learning. For example, when one student was learning to draw the height of a triangle, she found that the book introduced three heights of acute triangle and right triangle, while obtuse triangle only introduced one height, He drew the other two heights of the obtuse triangle. After getting the teacher's affirmation, he was very happy and wrote the mathematical essay "I found the other two heights of the obtuse triangle"
5. Problems encountered in mathematics practice activities. It mainly refers to students' doubts, enlightenment and conclusions in the process of practice activities through their own hands-on practice. For example, a student read a book and touched it with red and blue pencils according to the contents of the book before the teacher taught the "possibility" of practice activities, After that, she wrote an article about her experience and thoughts in the process of practice
6. Mathematics fairy tale. It mainly refers to that students use their imagination to record the mathematical world in the form of fairy tale (including mathematical discussion). This is a good integration of Chinese and mathematics. The unique perspective and vivid language description make teachers refreshing

How to write a math essay?

Binary division, 101100000 divided by 10011, equal to how much? What is the remainder? Seeking process

Thank you, but ask next Oh, is the network engineer exam, the second half of 2008 morning question 18, why the remainder answer is 1111, I can't think of its solution.. Brother, help me think about it..

In calculating the division, little careless wrongly wrote the divisor 194 as 149, resulting in a quotient less than 5 and the remainder exactly the same?

194÷9=21…… five
Quotient * divisor + remainder = divisor
The divisor went from 194 to 149
As a result, the quotient is five less and the remainder is exactly the same
Explain the divisor of 5 times = 194-149
So the divisor is 9

When calculating the division, Fangfang takes the division number 36 as 63, and the result shows that the quotient is 14 and the remainder is 18. The correct quotient should be ()

It should be right
Divisor = 63 * 14 + 18 = 900

The quotient and remainder of an integer division are both 36. What is the minimum divisor of this division?

The remainder is 36 and the smallest divisor is 37
Divisor = 36 * 37 + 36 = 1368
The minimum divisor of this division is 1368

In the division of integers, the remainder is smaller than the divisor. How many integers from 4 to 50 with the remainder of 2 should be divided by 4

6. The integers of 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50 from 6 to 4 are 12 in total

Thinking question: when calculating a division, little careless loses a 0 at the end of the divisor. After dividing by 7, the quotient is 54 and the remainder is 2. What is the correct result?
Is the correct result to ask for the divisor or the quotient


When calculating the division, little careless loses a 0 at the end of the divisor. After dividing by 7, the quotient is 3 and the remainder is 5. What is the correct number
