There is a three digit number, the sum of which is 16. The ten digit number is the sum of one digit number and one hundred digit number, So the new number is 594 larger than this number. How about the three digit number

There is a three digit number, the sum of which is 16. The ten digit number is the sum of one digit number and one hundred digit number, So the new number is 594 larger than this number. How about the three digit number

The ten digit number is 16 / 2 = 8
The sum of one digit and hundred digit is 16-8 = 8
The difference between a single digit and a hundred digit is 594 (100-1) = 6
The one digit number is (8 + 6) / 2 = 7
The hundreds are 8-7 = 1
So this three digit number is 187

The sum of three digits of a three digit number is 11. If you transpose a hundred digit number to a one digit number, the number you get is 693 larger than the original number. If you transpose a ten digit number to a one digit number, the number you get is 54 larger than the original number. Find the three digit number

Let the original three digit number be x, the ten digit number be y, and the individual digit number be Z. according to the meaning of the question, we get x + y + Z = 11100z + 10Y + x = 100x + 10Y + Z + 693100x + 10z + y = 100x + 10Y + Z + 54. After sorting out, we get x + y + Z = 11z − x = 7z − y = 6. The solution is: x = 1y = 2Z = 8, so the original three digit number is 12

There is a three digit number, the number of one digit is 2 times of the number of hundred digits, and the number of ten digits is 1 larger than the number of hundred digits. If the new number obtained by transposing the number of digits with the order of hundred digits (changing the number of digits into hundred digits) is 49 less than 2 times of the original number, the original number can be calculated

Let the hundred of the three digit number be x, then the ten digit number is x + 1, and the individual digit number is 2x. Then the adjusted hundred digit number is 2x, the ten digit number is x + 1, and the individual digit number is X. from this, we can get: [100x + 10 (x + 1) + 2x] × 2-49 = 100 × 2x + 10 (x + 1) + x [100x + 10x + 10 + 2x] × 2-49 = 200X + 10x + 10 + X, [