There is a three digit number, the number of one digit is 2 times of the number of hundred digits, and the number of ten digits is 1 larger than the number of hundred digits. If the new number obtained by transposing the number of digits with the order of hundred digits (changing the number of digits into hundred digits) is 49 less than 2 times of the original number, the original number can be calculated

There is a three digit number, the number of one digit is 2 times of the number of hundred digits, and the number of ten digits is 1 larger than the number of hundred digits. If the new number obtained by transposing the number of digits with the order of hundred digits (changing the number of digits into hundred digits) is 49 less than 2 times of the original number, the original number can be calculated

Let the hundred of the three digit number be x, then the ten digit number is x + 1, and the one digit number is 2x. Then the adjusted hundred digit number is 2x, the ten digit number is x + 1, and the one digit number is x, from which we can get: [100x + 10 (x + 1) + 2x] × 2-49 = 100 × 2x + 10 (x + 1) + x [100x + 10x + 10 + 2x] × 2-49 = 200X + 10x + 10 + X, [112x + 10] × 2-49 = 211x + 10, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;      224x+20-49=211x+10,                       13x=39,                          X = 3, then the tens are 3 + 1 = 4 and the ones are 3 × 2 = 6. So the three digits are: 346. A: the original number is 346

The sum of the numbers in each digit of a three digit number is 17, and the number in the ten digit number is four times of the number in the hundred digit number

Let the numbers in each bit be x, y and Z respectively. The original number is 100 × x + 10 × y + Z
Because x, y and Z are natural numbers, there is a second formula
If x = 1, y = 4, then z = 12 (rounding)
Or x = 2, y = 8, then z = 7

The sum of three digits of a three digit number is 17, and the sum of 100 digits and 10 digits is 3 larger than that of a single digit number. If the position of a single digit number and a hundred digits is reversed, the three digits obtained are 495 larger than the original number, so the original three digits can be obtained

Let the original three digit number of 100 digits be x, ten digits be y and one digit be Z. according to the meaning of the title, we get x + y + Z = 17x + y − z = 3 (100z + 10Y + x) − (100x + 10Y + Z) = 495. The solution is: x = 2Y = 8Z = 7. So the original three digit number is 287