When the brilliant sun jumps out of the blue waves of the East China Sea, the Pamirs are still twinkling with stars; when the north is still a world of silver, the south is already full of spring This passage depicts to us four beautiful pictures of our motherland, namely sunrise in the East China Sea, (), (), ()

When the brilliant sun jumps out of the blue waves of the East China Sea, the Pamirs are still twinkling with stars; when the north is still a world of silver, the south is already full of spring This passage depicts to us four beautiful pictures of our motherland, namely sunrise in the East China Sea, (), (), ()

They are plateau stars, northern silver, southern spring

Zhuge Liang was (he expected that there would be fog in three days later), so he issued a military order to Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu thought that Zhuge Liang was (unexpectedly, on the third night, Zhuge Liang took advantage of the thick fog to obtain more than 100000 arrows from Cao Cao.

Clever calculation, play the piano to the ox, resourceful, easy

1、 Connection
Economists say the woods are green sanatoriums
Anthropologists say that forests are the cradle of life
The forest is the beautician of all things in nature
Medical experts say the forest is a paradise for human beings
Artists say the woods are green banks
1. What do these different statements confirm?
2. Why say "woods are green sanatoriums"?
3. How do you understand "forest is a green bank"?
2、 Supplement sentences with personification
1. The mountains are () and the river is ()
2. Autumn, sorghum (), rice (), cotton (). A harvest scene
3、 Rows of weeping willows are reflected in the water
Change to Personification:

1、 Connection
Economists say woods are green banks
Anthropologists say that the forest is a paradise for human beings
Beauticians say that all things are trees
Medical experts say the forest is the cradle of life
Biologists say forests are the cradle of life
1. What do these different statements confirm?
It affirms the great function of forest
2. Why say "woods are green sanatoriums"?
Because trees can photosynthesis, so the forest will release a lot of oxygen, so the forest is a green sanatorium
3. How do you understand "forest is a green bank"?
The forest is a green bank. We can manage it in this way. The forest can produce oxygen for us and lock up the water. Just like the bank, it can help us store oxygen and water. The forest can provide oxygen, condense soil, and provide all kinds of materials. Moreover, these are from nature and are green and pollution-free
2、 Supplement sentences with personification
1. The mountains are dancing and the river is singing
2. Autumn, sorghum (red face), rice (bent down), cotton (grinning). A harvest scene
3、 Rows of weeping willows are reflected in the water
Rows of weeping willows look in the mirror in the water

Chinese topics in grade six of primary school
Fill in the words with "ran"
As soon as the news came out that Zhan Tianyou was in charge of the railway construction, () was ridiculed by the imperialists
In 1930, Tong Dizhou left his motherland and went to Belgium to study. At that time, his family was in difficulty. In order to save money, he shared a room with a foreign student
One night, Tong Dizhou was doing experiments in the laboratory and came back very late. The foreign youth sneered at him and said, "Mr. Tong, as soon as I see you, I think of your country, the sick man of East Asia..."
Hearing this, Tong Dizhou was very angry. He said sternly, "don't insult my motherland! Well, from tomorrow on, let's go to the laboratory to see who gets the degree first!"
The foreign youth was stunned and didn't speak for a long time
That night, Tong Dizhou wrote in his diary: "the Chinese are not stupid. They should bring something out to win glory for our nation."
Before long, after other biologists failed, Tong Dizhou successfully completed the frog egg membrane peeling operation and realized his promise
1. What does Tong Dizhou mean by "realizing his oath"?
2. Connect with the context and think about how Tong Dizhou studied and worked

1. A: it means that Chinese people are not stupid, they should bring out something to win honor for our nation!
2. Answer: after carefully consulting many books, reciting materials, and experimenting repeatedly, he would go to the library even if it was windy and snowy. When he encountered problems that he didn't understand, he would not be afraid to ask the teacher until he solved the problem

"Just wandering, just in a hurry" in the article "in a hurry" can be understood as?

The original meaning is "just" and "finished", but it is usually used as a kind of calm narrative tone at the end of a sentence

The text is
13 flowers
14 station
15 whales
The story of cable bridge
17 grassland
18 pearl bird
The girl born at 19:00
Maternal love
21 the poor
22 ideal kite
This is the lesson
It should be divided into sections, after class questions, main contents and paragraph meanings
This is the old version
15. 16, 19, 20, with an asterisk
Beijing Publishing House

Raising flowers: 1. Raising flowers is a kind of fun. 2. Raising flowers that are easy to live is fun. 3. Raising flowers to increase knowledge is fun. 4. Raising flowers is good for health. 5. Raising flowers can share fun with friends. 6. Raising flowers in the process of cultivating feelings is fun. 7. Raising flowers

Su Jiaoban

Chinese graduation test paper for Grade 6 of primary school 2005.6
(test time: 120 minutes)
Project listening accumulation reading exercise paper 5 points total score
Question no. 121213
1、 Dictation words (5 points)
2、 Listen to the passage "ugly chrysanthemum" and answer the question (5 points)
1. Ugly chrysanthemum, also known as, is characterized by day and night
2. What's the point of this passage
1、 Judge whether the following statements are correct, draw "" correctly, draw "╳" wrongly (4 points)
1. The simplified words of "edit, crowded, mail order, continue" are "edit, mail order, crowded, continue"
2. Idioms such as "full of energy, awe inspiring, dignified and radiant" are used to describe the beautiful appearance of characters
3. In the two sentences, the pronunciation and meaning of "Dongxi" are not the same
4. Zhang Ming and Wang Hui are good friends. He often helps him in his study
2、 Fill in the blanks (13 points)
1、________________ The flowers on the tree head did not turn into shade________________ (Yang Wanli, Xu Gongdian, Suxin city)
2. In summer, the sea in Yantai is often like a sea_______ 、__________ In the early morning, the sun is like a red balloon, which comes to the surface of the water. The sea of Yantai is full of sunshine
3. The reason why Confucius said that water is a true gentleman is that water has virtue and virtue________ , yes_______ Be good at education
4. In the texts you have learned this semester, you have___________ (fill in the name of the person) I have been moved. What moved you________________________________________________________________
Read the passage and complete the exercise
(1) Biluochun (excerpt)
With a few cockcrows, the whole lake wakes up. In the morning fog and the morning glow, tea picking girls walk to the tea garden in groups. The air is filled with faint fragrance of flowers. In the green tea trees, silver bell like laughter comes from time to time. The sun rises, spreading thousands of golden lights over the lake mountain, and the tea garden is also dyed with a layer of gold, They use their dexterous hands to pluck tender shoots from the tea tree. The green tree Print sets off the beautiful figure, forming a beautiful and moving picture
1. Use "--" to draw two typos in the text and mark them on the line_________ 、_________
2. In the short passage, the words reflecting "company" are; the words reflecting the joy and excitement of the tea girl are
3. This passage describes the scene of tea picking girl in order
(2) Mountain spring and gold sand
A thin mountain spring flows down the narrow stone crevice. I don't know how many years later, a shallow pit about the size of an egg washes out of the rock (unexpectedly, sure enough, accidentally). Strangely, the yellow gold sand from the mountain spring fills the small pit, which doesn't increase or decrease every day
One day, an old woodcutter came to drink the mountain spring water and (unexpectedly, sure enough, accidentally) found the glittering gold sand in the clear spring water. In surprise, he took the gold sand carefully and very carefully
From then on, the old man no longer suffered, no longer climbed mountains and cut firewood. After ten and a half days, he came to get gold sand. Needless to say, life soon became rich. People all felt strange. They didn't know what fortune the old man had. The old man kept his big secret to himself
The old man's son spied on him and found his father's secret. He took a serious look at the narrow stone crevices, the thin mountain springs, and the shallow pits. He complained that his father should not have kept this secret, or he would have made a fortune
My son suggested to my father that we should widen the stone crevices and expand the mountain springs. Can't we get more gold? My father thought about it. He was really wise and confused. Why didn't he think of this?
The father and the son worked hard to widen the narrow stone gap. The mountain spring was several times larger than before, and the hole was deep. The father and the son were so tired that they soaked their clothes on their backs with sweat. Thinking that they could get a lot of gold sand in the future, they drank up a bottle of laobaiganer and became drunk with mud
Father and son came to see each other every day, but they were disappointed every day. Instead of increasing the number of gold sands, they disappeared without a trace. Father and son couldn't figure out where the gold sands had gone?
1. Choose the right words in the brackets and draw them with "--"
2. Find a pair of antonyms and a pair of synonyms in the text
( )——( ) ( )——( )
3. The lines in the text can be changed into idioms___________ 、____________
4. Why did the gold sand disappear in the end?
5. After reading this essay, I understand it__________________________ The truth of the law
(3) Little good
One summer many years ago, on a train going south, a young man with a childish face was sitting by the window. He was a country boy, and a brand-new white half sleeve shirt could not hide his dark skin. Before that, he had never even taken a train. He was going to the south to attend the university he had dreamed of. On the seat opposite the young man, there was a mother and son
It's sultry in the car