The quadrilateral ABCD and the quadrilateral aefg are both rhombic. The point E is on the ad side and the point G is on the extension line of the Ba side As shown in Figure 1, BD and CE are their diagonals. The extension line of Ge intersects BD at point Q and DC at point M. verify: GM ⊥ BD

The quadrilateral ABCD and the quadrilateral aefg are both rhombic. The point E is on the ad side and the point G is on the extension line of the Ba side As shown in Figure 1, BD and CE are their diagonals. The extension line of Ge intersects BD at point Q and DC at point M. verify: GM ⊥ BD

Because DC ‖ GB
Therefore, EGA = DME
∠DME = ∠ DEM
DB is the diagonal of the diamond
So GM ⊥ BD