Make a straight line L through the point P (- 5, - 4) so that it intersects with the two coordinate axes and the area of the triangle enclosed by the two axes is 5, and solve the linear equation It's better not to use slope,

Make a straight line L through the point P (- 5, - 4) so that it intersects with the two coordinate axes and the area of the triangle enclosed by the two axes is 5, and solve the linear equation It's better not to use slope,

The line L passing through point P (- 5, - 4) can be y + 4 = K (x + 5), that is, y = KX + 5k-4 (K ≠ 0)
It intersects X-axis at point (- 5k-4) / K, 0) and y-axis at point (0,5k-4)
The area of the triangle formed by it and its two axes is 5,
That is (5k-4) &# 178; = 10| K | that is 25K & # 178; - 50K + 16 = 0 (k > 0) or 25K & # 178; - 30K + 16 = 0 (k < 0) (no real number solution)
K = 8 / 5 or 2 / 5, respectively
Ψ y = 8 / 5x + 4 or y = 2 / 5x-2