Mother takes Jiajia to the breakfast shop. There are three kinds of staple food, three kinds of small dishes and two kinds of drinks. There are () different ways to choose. Jiajia wants a staple food, a small dish and more There are () different ways to choose a drink. (methods, ideas, results) written in detail, plus points! plus

Mother takes Jiajia to the breakfast shop. There are three kinds of staple food, three kinds of small dishes and two kinds of drinks. There are () different ways to choose. Jiajia wants a staple food, a small dish and more There are () different ways to choose a drink. (methods, ideas, results) written in detail, plus points! plus


The annual profit of Jiajia supermarket last year was 198 yuan, 20% higher than the year before last. What was the profit of Jiajia supermarket the year before last?

198 / (1 + 20%) = 198 / 1.2 = 165 (yuan)
The profit of Jiajia supermarket was 165 yuan the year before last

The supermarket carries out holiday promotion activities. Mother bought 3.2kg hairtail, and the supermarket gives 500g shrimp as a gift. She pays the salesgirl 100 yuan and finds 61 yuan and 60 Jiao. Please calculate the retail price of hairtail in the supermarket

61 yuan, 60 Jiao = 61.6 yuan, 100-61.6 = 38.4 yuan, 38.4 △ 3.2 = 12 yuan. A: hairtail in this supermarket is 12 yuan per kilogram

The supermarket carries out holiday promotion activities. Mother bought 3.2kg hairtail, and the supermarket gives 500g shrimp as a gift. She pays the salesgirl 100 yuan and finds 61 yuan and 60 Jiao. Please calculate the retail price of hairtail in the supermarket

61 yuan, 60 Jiao = 61.6 yuan, 100-61.6 = 38.4 yuan, 38.4 △ 3.2 = 12 yuan. A: hairtail in this supermarket is 12 yuan per kilogram