The passenger cars and freight cars run 56 kilometers per hour and the freight cars 49 kilometers per hour. After the two places meet, they continue to move forward with the original complaint, The bus returned immediately after arriving at land B, and the truck also returned immediately after arriving at land a. the two cars met again at a distance of 108 kilometers from the midpoint. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

The passenger cars and freight cars run 56 kilometers per hour and the freight cars 49 kilometers per hour. After the two places meet, they continue to move forward with the original complaint, The bus returned immediately after arriving at land B, and the truck also returned immediately after arriving at land a. the two cars met again at a distance of 108 kilometers from the midpoint. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

The total distance between the two vehicles is 3 times of that between a and B
Distance difference between two cars = 108 × 2 = 216 km
Speed difference = 56-49 = 7 km / h
Travel time = 216 △ 7 = 216 / 7 hours
Total driving distance = (56 + 49) x216 / 7 = 3240 km
The distance between a and B is 3240 △ 3 = 1080 km
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The passenger car and the freight car leave from the two places at the same time. The passenger car travels 56 kilometers per hour, and the freight car travels 48 kilometers per hour. When they meet, the freight car is far from the midpoint
There are 40 kilometers left. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

Distance difference = 40 + 40 = 80 km
Speed difference = 56:48 = 7:6
Distance = 80 ÷ (7-6) × (7 + 6) = 1040 km

Master Zhao drives a truck and master Qian drives a bus. They start from both places at the same time. After four hours, they meet on the way and go at the same speed
3.2 hours later, when master Zhao arrived in the second place, he used his mobile phone to call master Qian. Master Qian said that there was still 108 kilometers to go to the first place, and asked how much the total distance was. Use one yuan equation!

@"Science tutor" answers questions for you
Suppose the total distance is x km, and the equation is formulated according to the meaning of the problem
The solution of the equation is x = 540
A: the total distance is 540 kilometers
@If you are not clear, you are welcome to ask. If you understand, please adopt it in time!

The truck and bus run from a and B at the same time. The truck runs 35 kilometers per hour and the bus 40 kilometers per hour. After 4 hours, the two cars meet. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

(35 + 40) × 4 = 75 × 4 = 300 (km) a: the distance between a and B is 300 km

The two cars are facing each other. They meet in six hours. After four hours, the bus arrives. The truck is 188 kilometers away

The two cars are facing each other. They meet in six hours. After four hours, the bus arrives. The truck is 188 kilometers away. How far is the distance between the two places?
Think of the two cars as a whole
Two cars travel 1 / 6 of the whole journey per hour
4 hours 1 / 6 × 4 = 2 / 3
Then the whole journey = 188 / (1-2 / 3) = 188 × 3 = 564 km

A and B two cars are running towards each other at the same time for 6 hours. After meeting for 4 hours, the bus arrives and the truck still has 188 kilometers. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places

When we meet, the bus takes 6 / 10 of the whole journey, the truck takes 4 / 10, and the speed ratio is 6:4. After we meet, the bus takes 4 hours, so the truck takes 4 / 10 × 4 / 6 = 4 / 15, so the distance is 188 (1-4 / 10-4 / 15) = 564 km

A passenger car and a freight car respectively leave from AB and meet each other 6 hours later. After 4 hours, the freight car arrives at B. at this time, the freight car is 188 kilometers away from the terminal
How many kilometers are the two places apart?

Suppose bus speed a and truck speed B
The distance is: 6 (a + b) = 564km

It takes 12 hours for passenger cars from city a to city B, and 15 hours for freight cars from city B to city A. when the two cars meet, the passenger cars are 188 kilometers away from city B
How many kilometers is the distance between the two cities

Encounter time = 1 ÷ (1 / 12 + 1 / 15) = 20 / 3 hours
Truck speed = 188 △ 20 / 3 = 28.2km/h
The distance between the two places is 15 × 28.2 = 423km

The distance between a and B is 520 kilometers. It takes 8 hours for a truck to go from a to B, and 10 hours for a bus to go from B to a)
The distance between a and B is 520 km. It takes 8 hours for a truck to go from a to B, and 10 hours for a bus to go from B to a. the two cars go from a to B at the same time. After a few hours, the distance between the two cars is 52 km?

First of all, think about the speed of two cars, that is, how many kilometers a freight car travels per hour and how many kilometers a passenger car travels per hour. Use the equation to solve the problem, set the problem as X hours, and multiply the speed and time by the equation. The distance should subtract the middle 52 kilometers that have not yet met, that is: (520 / 8 + 520 / 10) x = 520-52

It takes six hours for a bus to go from place a to place B, and eight hours for a truck. At the same time, it starts from the two places. When they meet, the truck runs 240 kilometers. How far is the distance between a and B?

240 △ 24 / 7 × 8 = 560km
Another algorithm:
The time ratio of passenger cars and freight cars is 6:8 = 3:4, and the speed ratio is 4:3
240 △ 3 / (4 + 3) = 560km