It takes 10 hours for a bus to go from city a to city B, and 15 hours for a truck to go from city B to city A. the two cars leave each other at the same time. When they meet, the bus is 240 kilometers away from city B. how many kilometers are there between city a and city B?

It takes 10 hours for a bus to go from city a to city B, and 15 hours for a truck to go from city B to city A. the two cars leave each other at the same time. When they meet, the bus is 240 kilometers away from city B. how many kilometers are there between city a and city B?

A: the distance between city a and city B is 600 km

A bus and a car go from place a to place B at the same time. When the car runs 1 / 2 of the whole journey, the bus is still 54 kilometers away from place B. when the car reaches the terminal point, the bus is still 54 kilometers away
How many kilometers are there between the two places?

If the distance between the two places is x km, then
2(x- 54)=2/5x
The solution is x = 67.5
A: the distance between the two places is 67.5km

A car and a truck drive from place a to place B at the same time. When the car reaches 12 o'clock in the whole journey, the truck is 54 kilometers away from place B. continue to drive at this speed. When the car reaches place B, the truck completes 45 kilometers in the whole journey. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

A: the distance between a and B is 90 km

A car runs 5 / 12 of the whole journey from a to B in 5 hours, which is 60 kilometers away from the destination. How many kilometers does the car travel per hour on average

That is to say, 60 km is 7 / 12 of the whole journey. If you drive 5 / 12 in 5 hours, you can drive 7 / 12 of the whole journey in 7 hours. As mentioned above, "60 km is 7 / 12 of the whole journey", so you can drive 60 / 7 km per hour on average! Ha ha! I wish you the best!

The highway from a to B is 250km long. A passenger car and a freight car drive from a to B at the same time. The speed ratio of the passenger and freight cars is 5:4. When the passenger car reaches the terminal, the freight car will arrive

250 × 4 / 5 = 200 (km) when the bus arrives at the terminal, the distance the truck takes
250-200 = 50 (km) when the bus arrives at the terminal, there is still a long way for the truck to reach the terminal

It takes seven hours for a freight car to go from place a to place B, and nine hours for a bus to go from place B to place a. the two cars leave each other at the same time. The freight car stops on the way for some reason
Two hours later, when we met, the bus traveled 30 kilometers more than the truck. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B? I can't understand the process on the Internet, ha ha

2 hours for passenger cars: 1 / 9 × 2 = 2 / 9 for passenger cars and trucks: 1-2 / 9 = 7 / 9 for passenger cars and trucks: 7 / 9 (1 / 7 + 1 / 9) = 49 / 16 hours for passenger cars and trucks: 49 / 16 × 1 / 7 = 7 / 16 for passenger cars and trucks: 1-7 / 16 = 9 / 16 for passenger cars and trucks: 9 / 16-7 /

It takes 7 hours for a freight car to go from place a to place B, and 9 hours for a minibus. The two cars leave at the same time. The freight car stops for 2 hours on the way for some reason. When it meets, the passenger car travels 30 kilometers more than the freight car

Travelling time of trucks when meeting:
=49 / 16 (hours)
When they meet, the distance of freight cars accounts for the whole journey:
Distance between a and B:
30 ÷ (1-7 / 16-7 / 16) = 240 (km)

It takes seven hours for a truck to go from place a to place B, and nine hours for a bus to go from place B to place A. two trucks leave each other at the same time. On the way, the truck stops for two hours for some reason. When they meet, the bus travels 30 kilometers more than the truck. What is the distance between a and B?

On the way, the truck stops for 2 hours for some reason. At this time, only the bus runs for 2 hours, that is, 2 / 7 of the whole journey. Except for these two hours, the bus and goods travel for the same time. They travel together for 1-2 / 7 = 5 / 7 of the whole journey. That is to say, 5 / 7 divided by (1 / 7 + 1 / 9) = 45 / 16 hours

1. It takes 7 hours for a truck to go from place a to place B, and 9 hours for a bus to go from place a to place B. the two vehicles leave from both places at the same time. The truck on the way has some problems
It takes seven hours for a truck to go from place a to place B, and nine hours for a bus to go from place B to place a. the two trucks leave each other at the same time. The truck stops for two hours on the way for some reason. When they meet, the bus travels 30 kilometers more than the truck. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

During the two-hour stay of the truck, the bus made 2 / 9 of the whole journey
The remaining 1-2 / 9 = 7 / 9
The bus is running (7 / 9) / (1 / 7 + 1 / 9) × (1 / 9) = 49 / 144
Therefore, the total number of bus trips is 2 / 9 + 49 / 144 = 81 / 144 = 9 / 16
So the truck went 1-9 / 16 = 7 / 16
Therefore, the distance between a and B is 30 (9 / 16-7 / 16) = 240 km

It takes five hours for a bus to go from place a to place B, and seven hours for a truck to go from place B to place a?

The time ratio of the two cars is 5:7, so their speed ratio is 7:5, which is the distance ratio when they meet
The total distance is 7 + 5 = 12, half of which is 6. If the bus takes 7, the extra one is 35 km, or if the truck takes 5, the less one is 35 km. There are 7 + 5 = 12 in the whole journey, so it's better
The formula is as follows:
=420 (km)
You can also use the score problem to solve the problem
When they met, the bus made 7 / (7 + 5) = 7 / 12 of the whole journey
5 / (7 + 5) = 5 / 12 or 1-7 / 12 = 5 / 12
The distance difference is two 35km, so the whole journey is: 35 * 2 ÷ [7 / (7 + 5) - 5 / (7 + 5)]
=420 (km)