From city a to city B, it takes three hours for trucks and four hours for buses. The speed of buses is () percent slower than that of trucks

From city a to city B, it takes three hours for trucks and four hours for buses. The speed of buses is () percent slower than that of trucks

Speed of passenger cars: 1 / 4 speed of freight cars: 1 / 3 speed of passenger cars is slower than that of freight cars: (1 / 3-1 / 4) △ 1 / 3 = 25% a: speed of passenger cars is slower than that of freight cars (25)%

The truck runs 60 kilometers per hour, and the car runs 80 kilometers per hour. The distance between the two cars is 144 kilometers. Can the car catch up with the truck in a few hours?

144 / (80-60) = 144 / 20 = 7.2 hours

On the overtaking lane, it takes a few seconds for a car with a length of 4 meters and a speed of 100 km / h to overtake a truck with a length of 12 meters and a speed of 80 km / h

[(12+4)*3.6]/(100-80) =2.88s

A freight car and a passenger car drive from city a to city B at the same time. After 2.8 hours, the distance between the two cars is 56 km. The freight car runs 80 km per hour,
How many kilometers does the bus travel per hour,,
=Before 8 o'clock,

If the truck is fast:
The passenger car is designed to travel x kilometers per hour
If the bus is fast:
The passenger car is designed to travel x kilometers per hour

The truck is 72 kilometers in front of the small bridge truck. The small bridge truck travels 80 kilometers per hour, and the truck travels 56 kilometers per hour. The small bridge truck can catch up with the truck in a few hours. Please use the equation/

It takes x hours

A truck runs 56 kilometers per hour, and a bicycle runs 9000 meters per hour. Which kind of car runs fast? How many kilometers per hour?

The speed of freight cars is 9000 meters = 9 kilometers, 56-9 = 47 kilometers, 47 kilometers fast

A and B are 80 kilometers apart. Two hours after a big car leaves a, another car leaves a,
It is known that the speed of a car is three times that of a big car. As a result, the car arrives at B 40 minutes earlier than the big car

The car speed is V, the car is 3V
Driving time: 80 / V
Travel time: 80 / 3V
The bus started 2 hours earlier, but arrived 40 minutes later (2 / 3 hours). The bus took 2 + 2 / 3 hours more
80/v - 80/3v=2+2/3
The car speed is 20km / h, and the car speed is 60km / h

AB is 36 kilometers away from each other. The car runs 80 kilometers per hour from a to C, and the bus runs 56 kilometers per hour from B to C. how long does it take for the car
Catch up with the bus?

=1.5 (hours)

A. B is 120 kilometers away from each other. A bus goes from a to B. half an hour later, a car goes from a in the same direction
Half an hour later, another car was driven in the same direction from A. the speed of the car was 1.5 times that of the bus. As a result, the car arrived 10 minutes earlier than the bus. The speed of two cars was calculated

Set the bus speed at x km / h and the car speed at 1.5x km / h
Multiply both sides by X
The speed of the two cars is 30 km / h and 45 km / h respectively

It is known that there is a distance of 80 km between a and B. two hours after a bus departs from a to B, a car departs from a
The speed of the car going to B in the same direction is three times that of the bus. As a result, the car arrived at B 40 minutes earlier than the bus and asked for the speed of the two cars

If the speed of a bus is x km / h, the speed of a car is 3x km / h
3x = 3 × 40 = 120 km / h
A: the speed of a bus is 40 km / h, and that of a car is 120 km / h
[I hope I can help you]